suzerains Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
suzerains ka kya matlab hota hai
एक राज्य विशेष रूप से अपने विदेश मामलों में एक आश्रित स्थिति पर प्रभुत्व की डिग्री का उपयोग करता है
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suzerains's Usage Examples:
Thus in various ways ecclesiastical benefices were gradually transformed into fiefs, and lay suzerains claimed the same rights over ecclesiastics as over other vassals from whom they received homage, and whom they invested with lands.
The bishops and abbots, by confiding their domains to laymen on condition of assistance with the sword in case of need, became temporal lords and suzerains with vassals to fight for them, with courts of justice, and in short with all the rights and privileges exercised by lay lords.
From the time that the Milesians of Tara had come to be recognized as suzerains of the whole island all political development ceases.
In 931 Chaslav, one of the princes of the Visheslav dynasty, liberated the largest part of the Servian territory from Bulgarian domination, but to maintain that liberty he had to acknowledge the Byzantine emperors as his suzerains.
They carried on a perpetual war with the native tribes, and in this were supported by their Roman suzerains, who even lent the assistance of garrison and fleet.
The relation between a lord and his vassals, implied in the oath of fealty, has been extended to states of unequal power; it has been found convenient to designate certain states as vassal states, and their superiors as suzerains.
C. Loyseau, in his Traite des seigneuries (3rd ed., 1610, p. 14), explains that there are two kinds of public seigneuries, that is, sovereign seigneurs, possessing summum imperium, and suzerains, " Les suzeraines sont celles qui ont puissance superieure mais non supreme."
Philopoemen transferred the seat of assembly from town to town by rotation, and placed dependent communities on an equal footing with their former suzerains.
The latter having seized upon Nantes, of which the counts of Anjou held themselves to be suzerains, Fulk Nerra came and laid siege to it, routing Conan's army at Conquereuil (27th of June 992) and re-establishing Nantes under his own suzerainty.
The restored state of Jerusalem lived for about six centuries in partial independence under Persian, Egyptian, Syrian and Roman rule, often showing an aggressively heroic attachment to its national customs, which brought it into collision with its suzerains, until the temple was destroyed by Titus in A.D.
suzerains's Meaning':
a state exercising a degree of dominion over a dependent state especially in its foreign affairs
land, state, res publica, body politic, country, nation, commonwealth,
embark, leave, nonbeing, nonexistence, utopia,