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suffers Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

suffers ka kya matlab hota hai



छाती जलना, अस्वस्थ होना, हानि होना, झेलना, सहना, भुगतना,

suffers शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজSlušna prizadetost#Okvara sluha रोग अर्थात अस्वस्थ होना

suffers's Usage Examples:

Here again both capital and labour are short, and the cultivation of the soil suffers from the fact that, owing to the absence of timber, dry dung is used for fuel instead of being employed as manure.

wireworms), and so maim the plant that its foliage suffers from want of water and assimilation is diminished, or actual withering follows.

If a dhjan chooses incorrectly, his world suffers.

At higher temperatures the viscous liquid suffers decomposition with the formation of various liquid hydrocarbons, principally members of the terpene series.

P. alba suffers much from the ravages of wood-eating larvae, and also from fungoid growths, especially where the branches have been removed by pruning or accident.

Butler's argument is that the individual suffers (and feels that he suffers deservedly) from neglecting these.

In course of time the star, with its expansive force diminished, suffers encroachments from the neighbouring vortices, and at length they catch it up. If the ' Princip. part ii.

Broadly speaking, the forests here yield to steppes, and the soil is very fertile; but the whole region suffers periodically from drought.

Howie doesn't have to work but he still suffers from head trauma, is pretty depressed and frankly, doesn't know what to do with himself.

Fruit suffers much from the larvae of the Geometridae, the socalled "looper-larvae" or " canker-worms."


have, collapse, break down, crock up, receive, crack, experience, crack up, cramp, break up, sustain, get,


reject, refuse, criminalise, outlaw, disinclination,

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