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subsidies Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

subsidies ka kya matlab hota hai



माली मदद, अनुवृत्ति,

subsidies शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

ब्याज अनुवृत्ति पात्रता प्रमाणपत्र योजना (आईएसईसी) ।

बहुत सी ऐसी प्रश्नावलियाँ हैं जिनके द्वारा व्यक्ति की अनुवृत्ति (ऐटीच्यूड) का पता चलता है।

अनुवृत्तिज्ञापक प्रश्नावलियाँ ।

इस मद के तहत अन्य व्यय हैं: प्रशिक्षण, प्रचार, विपणन, आईएसईसी योजना के तहत बैंक ऋणों पर ब्याज अनुवृत्ति.।

प्रत्याहार, इत्संज्ञक, अधिकार, अनुवृत्ति, अपकर्ष, सन्धिविषयक शब्द (एकादेश, पररूप, पूर्वरूप, प्रकृतिभाव आदि), कुछ ज्ञातव्य संज्ञाएँ - (अङग, प्रतिपदिक, पद, भ संज्ञा, विभाषा, उपधा, टी, संयोग, संप्रसारण, गुण, वृद्धि, लोप, आदेश, आगम) , शब्द-सिद्धि में सहायक कुछ अन्य उपाय।

अनुवृत्ति की पहचान के लिए ऐसे चुनाव संबंधी प्रश्न अथवा दो प्रकार के विचारों में से स्वरुचि के अनुकूल किसी एक को पसंद करने की समस्या आदि प्रारंभ में थर्स्टन तथा लिकर्ट ने प्रस्तुत की थी।

জজজसूत्र-शैली में लिखे गए ग्रन्थों की एक महत्वपूर्ण विशेषता है, अनुवृत्ति

ब्याज अनुवृत्ति पात्रता प्रमाणपत्र (ISEC) योजना, खादी कार्यक्रम के लिए धन का प्रमुख स्रोत है।

अनुवृत्ति के अनुसार, किसी सूत्र में कही गयी बात आगे आने वाले एक या अधिक सूत्रों पर भी लागू हो सकती है।

पाणिनि ने संक्षिप्त ग्रंथरचना की और भी कई युक्तियाँ निकालीं जैसे अधिकार और अनुवृत्ति अर्थात् सूत्र के एक या कई शब्दों को आगे के सूत्रों में ले जाना जिससे उन्हें दोहराना न पड़े।

subsidies's Usage Examples:

He immediately set about introducing certain urgent reforms, suppressed all subsidies to the press, and declared his intention of governing according to law and justice.

Maurice made no use of his advantage; he merely restored the former frontier and abolished the subsidies which had formerly been paid to the Persians.

In May 1673 a treaty of alliance was signed by the ambassador of the States-General at Copenhagen, whereby the Netherlands pledged themselves to pay Denmark large subsidies in return for the services of Io,000 men and twenty warships, which were to be held in readiness in case the United Provinces were attacked by another enemy besides France.

Thus, very dexterously, Griffenfeldt had succeeded in gaining his subsidies without sacrificing his neutrality.

At last, in 562, a peace was concluded for 50 years, in which the Persians left Lazistan to the Romans, and promised not to persecute the Christians, if they did not attempt to make proselytes among the Zarathustrians; on the other hand, the Romans had again to pay subsidies to Persia.

These gifts and pensions were rather in the nature of subsidies than bribes; they were the recognition by various powers of the value of an ally whose pen had proved itself so potent a weapon in their cause.

Her husband also wrote Memoires, and lived until 1831, after having, it is said, received subsidies from Louis XVIII.

The second postulate was a sound financial basis, which he expected the wealth of France to supply in the shape of subsidies to be spent on armaments.

There the policy of subsidies for railway building had been carried to a reckless extreme.

The Romans supported him with subsidies; but all his wars were disastrous.


price support, subvention, grant,


disagree, deny, take, forbid,

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