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subscribing Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

subscribing ka kya matlab hota hai

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चंदे के रूप में देना, अंशदान देने की प्रतिज्ञा करना, स्वीकार करना, हस्ताक्षर करना, नाम लिखना,

subscribing's Usage Examples:

At the close of 1906 this road was handed over to a joint-stock company with a capital of 20 millions sterling, the government contributing 10 millions in the form of the road and its associated properties; the public subscribing 2 millions, and the company being entitled to issue debentures to the extent of 8 millions, the princ~pal and interest of these debentures being officially guaranteed.

The issue of this circular by subscribing firms, on the basis of particulars collected by brokers appointed at a weekly meeting, gave rise in 1841 to the Cotton Brokers' Association, to which the development of the market by the systematizing of procedure is largely due.

insurance of members of the commune as such, in the event of their not subscribing to any of the other funds.

He declared himself on the side of the Puritans by subscribing "The testimony of the ministers in Somersetshire to the truth of Jesus Christ" and "The Solemn League and Covenant," and assisted the commissioners of the parliament in their work of ejecting unsatisfactory ministers.

A week after subscribing these articles the young prince departed to take possession of the Polish throne.

The bishop is consecrated, after taking the oath of fidelity to the Holy See, and subscribing the profession of faith, by a bishop appointed by the pope for the purpose, assisted by at least two other bishops or prelates, the main features of the act being the laying on of hands, the anointing with oil, and the delivery of the pastoral staff and other symbols of the office.

But some irregular forms of reservation still continued; the prohibition as regards the lay people was not extended, at any rate with any strictness, to the clergy and monks; the Eucharist was still carried on journeys; occasionally it was buried with the dead; and in a few cases the pen was even dipped in the chalice in subscribing important writings.

He was in difficulty about subscribing the Thirty-nine Articles.

The original stock of "3,000,000, of which the state was to subscribe "2,000,000, was increased in 1855 to "4,000,000, the state subscribing the added million.

Metternich was anxious to secure an apparent unanimity of the powers to back the Austrian intervention in Naples, and every device was used to entrap the English representative into subscribing a formula which would have seemed to commit Great Britain to the principles of the other allies.


bid, tender, offer,


take, disprove, invalidate, negate,

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