subordination Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
subordination ka kya matlab hota hai
परवशता, मातहती, अधीनीकरण, परतंत्रता, अधीनता,
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subordination शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
फ़ूको का मतलब यह है कि विमर्श के ज़रिये सब्जेक्ट में बदलते ही व्यक्ति शासकीयता की कारगुज़ारियों की मातहती में चला जाता है।
জজজ हॉब्स के मुताबिक व्यक्ति के सामने कोई चारा ही नहीं है : उसे या तो राज्य के सर्वसत्तावादी प्राधिकार की मातहती स्वीकार करनी होगी, या फिर व्यक्तिगत हितों की निरंतर चलने वाली गलाकाटू होड़ में फँस कर नष्ट हो जाना होगा।
यानी उनके अनुसार इस सिद्धांत का मकसद नागरिकों को शासक वर्ग की मातहती में लाना है।
subordination's Usage Examples:
Chadwick (Studies on AngloSaxon Institutions, 1905) says that "the sense of subordination must have been inherent in the word from the earliest time," but it has no connexion with the German dienen, to serve.
In some of the island-groups independent native states were recognized for some time by the powers, as in the case of Hawaii, which, after the deposition of the queen in 1893 and the proclamation of a republic in 1894, was annexed to the United States of America only in 1898, or, again, in the case of Tonga, which provided a curious example of the subordination of a native organization to unauthorized foreign influence.
Hence the strength with which a champion of the faith like Anselm insists on the subordination of reason.
In like manner real virtue consists in the subordination of the individual to the laws of this harmony as the universal reason wherein alone true freedom is to be found.
When Arius asserted the subordination of the Son to the Father, and denied the eternal generation, Athanasius and his party asserted the Homoousia, the cosubstantiality of the Father and the Son.
These forms never occur scattered haphazard over a region, but always in an orderly subordination depending on their mode of origin.
He observes with truth that Natural Theology, if you remove from it the idea of subordination to Christianity as (claiming to be) a special revelation, tends to pass into a philosophy of religion.
The condition of the church seemed desperate, unless it could be purged of crying scandals of the subjection of the papacy to the great Roman nobles, of its subordination to the German emperor and of its internal demoralization.
Translated into the plainest English, the position is as follows: " Society can only be regenerated by the greater subordination of politics to morals, by the moralization of capital, by the renovation of the family, by a higher conception of marriage and so on.
acting always, however, in subordination to Cardinal Wiseman; and on the latter's death (Feb.
domination, mastery,
intransitivity, disobedience, unskillfulness,