stylet Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
stylet ka kya matlab hota hai
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एषणी, ख़ंजर, नुकीला हथियार, सलाई, कटार,
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stylet शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
| align"left" | मंगल प्रक्षेपवक्र में अपनी एषणी निकालने में असफ़ल।
लेन्स नाभिक और वल्कुटीय सामग्री का पायसीकरण पूर्ण होने के बाद, एक दोहरी धावन-चूषण (आई-ए (I-A)) एषणी या एक द्विहस्तक आई-ए (I-A) प्रणाली का उपयोग शेष परिधीय वल्कुटीय सामग्री के चूषण हेतु किया जाता है।
अर्द्धआधार, अतिमुख, अरा, बदिशा, दंत शंकु, एषणी, कर-पत्र, कृतारिका, कुथारिका, कुश-पात्र, मण्डलाग्र, मुद्रिका, नख शस्त्र, शरारिमुख, सूचि, त्रिकुर्चकर, उत्पल पत्र, वृध-पत्र, वृहिमुख तथा वेतस-पत्र।
इस तकनीक में एक शीतनिष्कर्षक के माध्यम से मोतियाबिंद को निकाला जाता है- एक शीतएषणी जिसकी प्रशीतित टिप लेन्स से चिपक जाती है और उसके तंतुओं को जमा देती है जिससे लेन्स को हटाना आसान हो जाता है।
1 मण्डलाग्र 2 करपत्र 3 वृद्धिपत्र 4 नखशस्त्र 5 मुद्रिका 6 उत्पलपत्र 7 अर्धधार 8 सूची 9 कुशपत्र 10 आटीमुख 11 शरारीमुख 12 अन्तर्मुख 13 त्रिकूर्चक 14 कुठारिका 15 व्रीहिमुख 16 आरा 17 वेतसपत्र 18 बडिश 19 दन्तशङ्कु 20 एषणी॥3॥।
stylet's Usage Examples:
The stylet A (process of the 8th abdominal segment-8) is turned over to show its groove a, which works along the tongue or rail b.
In this process it is aided by the stylet with which it actively bores its way, throws off its tail FIG.
The body contains in miniature all the organs of the adult fluke, including the gonads and in addition "eye-spots," a stylet, rod-cells and cystogenous cells.
- Proboscis with stylet, " reserve " sacs and muscular bulb of a Hoplonemertine.
4) where the stylet is attached serve for this purpose.
There is reason to suppose that, when a wound is inflicted by the central stylet, it is envenomed by the fluid secreted in the posterior proboscidian region being at the same time expelled.
This aggressive character has a different aspect in several genera which are destitute of a central stylet, but in which the surface that is turned outwards upon eversion of the proboscis is largely pro- P. vided with nematocysts, sending the urticating rods of different sizes in all directions.
_This stylet is thus situated terminally when the proboscis has reached its maximum eversion.
The central thread just alluded to is represented in the Nemertean proboscis by that portion which is never everted, and the tip of the glove by the boundary between the evertible and non-evertible portion of the proboscis - a boundary which in the Metanemertini is marked by the presence of a pointed or serrated stylet.
Protonemertini, in which there are two layers of dermal muscles, external circular and internal longitudinal; the nervous system lies external to the circular muscles; the mouth lies behind the level of the brain; the proboscis has no stylet; there is no caecum to the intestine.
stylet's Meaning':
small needlelike appendage; especially the feeding organ of a tardigrade
style, tardigrade,
terseness, verboseness, inelegance,