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standstill Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

standstill ka kya matlab hota hai



निस्तब्धता, ख़ामोशी, स्र्कावट, विराम, रोक, ठहराव,

standstill शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

पहला गीत "दिन जल्दी जल्दी ढलता है" से प्रारम्भ होकर "निशा निमंत्रण" रात्रि की निस्तब्धता के बड़े सघन चित्र करता हुआ प्रातःकालीन प्रकअश में समाप्त होता है।

एक सीमा के बाद उनके चित्रों की निस्तब्धता, जड़ता और सुन्दर एकान्त हमें भीतर से कचोटता है क्योंकि उनके सजे-धजे रंगमंच पर कहीं कोई पात्र है ही नहीं।

अधिकांश दुष्प्रभाव हल्के होते हैं जैसे निस्तब्धता, हलांकि मायोकार्डियल इस्केमिया के दुर्लभ मामले भी दिखे हैं।

फोस्टर पाया है कि ये शहर सड़कों के माध्यम से छोटा, संकरा आमतौर पर अब 70 मीटर (230 फुट) से गर्म रेगिस्तान तापमान के साथ coped. इन सड़कों के अंत में इमारतों हवा ऊपर की तरफ, पुश करने के लिए अभी पर्याप्त हवा अशांति एक निस्तब्धता प्रभाव है कि सड़क ठंडा बना बना।

पारदर्शी निस्तब्धता का शिल्प ।


द क्विंट के नन्दकुमार राममोहन ने इसके एकल-शॉट कैमरा कार्य को "बेरोक" कहा है और इसके लिए कहा है कि "यह ऐसा अनुभव देती है जैसे हम दीवार पर उड़ रहे हैं, निस्तब्धता के साथ दो महिलाओं के जीवन का प्रेक्षण कर रहे हैं।

कर्म योग के आदर्श को प्रस्तुत करते हुए वे कहते हैं, "आदर्श पुरुष तो वे हैं, जो परम शान्ति एवं निस्तब्धता के बीच भी तीव्र कर्म का, तथा प्रबल कर्मशीलता के बीच भी मरुस्थल की शान्ति एवं निस्तब्धता का अनुभव करते हैं।

आधिकारिक जालस्थल दखमा या 'टॉवर ऑफ साइलेंस' (निस्तब्धता का दुर्ग) पारसियों के कब्रिस्तान को कहते हैं।

राजा के विशाल भोज कक्ष में निस्तब्धता छा गई।

standstill's Usage Examples:

Could we assume that there is in the adult man reflex machinery which is of higher order than the merely spinal, which employs much more complex motor mechanisms than they, and is connected with a much wider range of sense organs; and could we assume that this reflex machinery, although usually associated in its action with memorial and volitional processes, may in certain circumstances be sundered from these latter and unattendant on them - may in fact continue in work when the higher processes are at a standstill - then we might imagine a condition resembling that of the somnambulistic and cataleptic states of hypnotism.

As a consequence of the second Punic War, Roman agriculture was at a standstill; accordingly, recourse was had to Sicily and Sardinia (the first two Roman provinces) in order to keep up the supply of corn; a tax of one-tenth was imposed on it, and its export to any country except Italy forbidden.

Subsequently, he undertook first the secretaryship and then the management and chief ownership of some tile-works at Tilbury, but here also he was unfortunate, and his imprisonment in 1703 brought the works to a standstill, and he lost £3000.

On the latter, the Bulgarian advance had come to a standstill, as soon as King Constantine had brought up his reserves, and the counter-offensive opened on the 3rd.

For days the whole mechanism of civilized existence in Russia was at a standstill, all intercourse 4 Sazonov's sentence of twenty years' hard labour was commuted by Nicholas II.

The traffic crawled to a near standstill as Dean's blood pressure mounted, sure the 8:00 direct flight to Norfolk would leave without him.

All his acts were opposed, legislation was at a standstill and every effort was made to force Dr Saenz Pena to resign.

This resolution or analysis into simple, because clear and distinct, elements may be brought to a standstill again and again by obscurity and indistinctness, but patient and repeated revision of all that is included in the problem should bring the analytic process to fruition.

Then gold-mining, after being long at a standstill, began again to make headway.

The little car slowed to a standstill, but Katie continued spinning the tires.


impasse, dead end, situation, deadlock, stalemate,


lie, sit down, forbid, disallow, rejection,

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