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sociopathic Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

sociopathic ka kya matlab hota hai

या एक समाजोपैथी व्यक्तित्व विकार से संबंधित

sociopathic's Usage Examples:

Life lessons from a sociopathic demon lord.

I find out I was a sociopathic deity.

It wasn't out of the realm of the possible that the information he needed was hidden in some sort of sadistic treasure hunt created by the sociopathic goddess who held the title of Death before him.

Behaviors such as these may be indicators of sociopathic disorders.

He'd even made his peace with Claire before feeding the treacherous bitch to the sociopathic Original Vamp.

You mean sociopathic, indiscriminate killers who can't sleep a night in their own beds without someone trying to kill them.

How is a sociopathic deity better at ruling the underworld than a compassionate human? he returned with no heat.

The powers of a deity with the sociopathic tendencies of a mass murderer?

sociopathic's Meaning':

of or relating to a sociopathic personality disorder

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