smacking Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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smacking शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
2005 के चुनाव के बाद नियंत्रण और जोड़ तोड़ के रूप में क्लार्क के चित्रण में वृद्धि हुई, जब उसने अपनी सहमति-प्रबंधकीय दृष्टिकोण को त्याग दिया, जैसे कि न्यूजीलैंड के दौरान और समुद्री विवाद , और अपराध का उसका समर्थन (धारा 59 में संशोधन) संशोधन अधिनियम 2007 (इतना जिसे एंटी स्मैकिंग लॉ कहा जाता है)।
smacking's Usage Examples:
Harrison Dent Custom Reviews: Half Life... what do you expect Gob Smacking... apart from the few misanthropes out there.
gob smacking.
He fell under the suspicion of the Inquisition; his mystical teaching was said to be heretical, and his most famous book, the Guia de Peccadores, still a favourite treatise and one that has been translated into nearly every European tongue, was put on the Index of the Spanish Inquisition, together with his book on prayer, in 1559 His great opponent was the restless and ambitious Melchior Cano, who stigmatized the second book as containing grave errors smacking of the heresy of the Alumbrados and manifestly contradicting Catholic faith and teaching.
For example, just because you are standing at the door after a fun evening together doesn't mean it is the best time to start smacking.
smacking in breaks of 46, 51 and 56.
To silence him his enemies then denounced him to that tribunal, and he was cited to appear before the Holy Office at Coimbra to answer points smacking of heresy in his sermons, conversations and writings.
At last he saw him: the rosy boy had tossed about till he lay across the bed with his head lower than the pillow, and was smacking his lips in his sleep and breathing evenly.
5, as smacking of later fulsomeness); "I Paul" (iii.
Will I be reading another report about you smacking someone?
The kid sitting beside her made smacking sounds as he chewed on a huge wad of
spank, smack, blow, slap,
come, stay in place, inhale, understate, succeed,