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skins Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

skins ka kya matlab hota hai



कंजूसी, पोस्तीन, मलाई, पपड़ी, छाला, त्वक, चर्म, जिल्द, रोम सहित चमड़ा, रोम सहित खाल, चमड़ा, खाल, त्वचा,


दंड करना, शिकस्त देना, पराजित करना, तबाह करना, चढ़ना, लूटना, चोराना, रगड़ डालना, छाल उतारकर साफ़ करना, छीलना, खाल खींचना, चमड़ा मढ़ना,

skins शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

प्रकृति या स्वभाव का बेतुकापन है उजड्डपन, बेवकूफी, पाखंड, झेंप, खुशामद, अमर्यादित फैशनपरस्ती, कंजूसी, दिखावा पंडितमन्यता, अतिहास्यपात्रता, अनधिकारपूर्ण अहंमन्यता, आदि।

जब अल्लाह की राह में देने की बात आती है तो हमें कंजूसी नहीं करना चाहिए।

19. गांड के बाल गिनना : कंजूसी करना।

उसने देखा कि इतनी सम्पत्ति होने पर भी सम्पत्ति जोडने के लिए वह तरह-तरह के सही-गलत उपाय और कंजूसी कर रहा था।


रचनाकारों ने कंजूसी आदि की वृत्तियों पर अच्छे व्यंग्य किए हैं, परंतु अभी इस दिशा में अनेक विषय अछूते ही छूट गए हैं।

इसलिए मुसलमानों से कहा गया कि इस समय जो व्यक्ति भी कंजूसी से काम लेगा वह वास्तव कुछ न बिगाड़ेगा, बल्कि स्वयं अपने आप ही को तबाही के ख़तरे में डाल देगा ।

उचित कार्यों में कंजूसी न की।

skins's Usage Examples:

The rafts used are the so-called kelleks, of wood supported on inflated skins, which are broken up at Bagdad, the wood sold and the skins carried back by caravan.

- Skins Of The Striped Domestic Cat, Giving The "Ticked" Breed And A Partially Albino Specimen.

The ship anchored near the shore, where barbarians in ill-fitting clothing made of animal skins awaited them.

The dual moons seemed to hover somewhere in the middle of the air of a massive chasm, just like the dozen or so hulking spaceships, whose dark grey skins reflected like skins of massive grey whales in the moonlight.

He catches deer, drains them of blood, skins them, and I cook 'em up for dinner.

The addition of a little of the acid to glue renders it more tenacious; skins to be used for making leather do not undergo decomposition if steeped in a dilute solution; butter containing a small quantity of it may be kept sweet for months even in the hottest weather.

There were about twenty-five thousand people at the game, and, when we went out, the noise was so terrific, we nearly jumped out of our skins, thinking it was the din of war, and not of a football game that we heard.

Sheep skins and sail-cloth are articles of trade.

They are typical Berbers in physique, tall, well made and muscular, with European features and fair skins bronzed by the sun.

In Teneriffe and Grand Canary the corpse was simply wrapped up in goat and sheep skins, while in other islands a resinous substance was used to preserve the body, which was then placed in a cave difficult of access, or buried under a tumulus.


pressure point, liver spot, dermis, thick skin, investment, buff, body covering, pore, crinkle, corium, agnail, skin graft, foreskin, furrow, integumentary system, skin cell, hangnail, dewlap, line, whitehead, scab, comedo, sweat gland, milium, macule, derma, prepuce, lentigo, crease, connective tissue, scalp, wrinkle, sudoriferous gland, freckle, cuticle, epidermis, seam, tegument, free nerve ending, Pacinian corpuscle, macula, cutis, blackhead, melanin,


dress, demotion, achromatic, leader, dissuasion,

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