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separatist Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

separatist ka kya matlab hota hai



संप्रदायवादी, स्वमतत्यागी, स्वपक्षत्यागी,

separatist शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

गोपाल कृष्ण गोखले ने कहा कि जिन्ना के पास "सही मायने में सामान है, और सभी संप्रदायवादी पूर्वाग्रह से मुक्ति है जो उन्हें हिंदू-मुस्लिम एकता का सर्वश्रेष्ठ राजदूत बनाएगी"।


इस आंदोलन की सीमाएँ संभवत: संप्रदायवादी नहीं थीं और इसमें जाति और पूजा-पद्धति की ब्राह्मण अवधारणाएँ भी नहीं थीं।

उसने संघर्ष के एक सैन्यीकरण के खिलाफ चेतावनी दी और जोर देकर कहा कि क्रांति संप्रदायवादी नहीं थी लेकिन इसमें सीरियाई समाज के सभी गुट शामिल थे।

संतों की पंरपरा गैर-संप्रदायवादी रही यद्यपि माना जाता है कि कई संत कवियों ने अपने संप्रदाय स्थापित किए।

separatist's Usage Examples:

The old separatist tendencies were increased by the widening gulf between the interests of the industrial north and those of the agricultural south.

But Prussia was not ripe for a struggle with Austria, even had Frederick William found it in his conscience to turn his arms against his ancient ally, and the result was the humiliating convention of Olmtitz (November 29th, 1850), by which Prussia agreed to surrender her separatist plans and to restore the old constitution of the confederation.

During the two critical years which followed the withdrawal of Leicester, it was the statesmanship of the advocate which kept the United Provinces from falling asunder through their own inherent separatist tendencies, and prevented them from becoming an easy conquest to the formidable army of Alexander of Parma.

The opposition which these innovations produced encouraged the separatist tendencies of the eastern portion of the Peninsula.

The Separatist Reformed Church of Holland had sent out a young expositor of its doctrines named Postma, who, in November 1858, became minister of Rustenburg.

The " Dopper " Church, an offshoot of the Separatist Reformed Church of Holland, is distinguished from the other Dutch churches in being more rigidly Calvinistic and " Biblical," and in not using hymns.

Under pressure from the palatine of Batthyany an imperial edict was issued, on the 7th day of May, ordering the ban to desist from his separatist plans and take his orders from Pest.

while in Catalonia the Separatist movement gathered M17stry.

Returning to England in September 1592, he joined the Separatist Church in London, in which he declined to take office, though after the arrest of the ministers, Francis Johnson and John Greenwood, he seems to have been the regular preacher.

Some separatist churches were formed as a result of the Awakening; these either died out or became Baptist congregations.


independent, fissiparous, breakaway,


unfree, sexual, nonpartisan, dependent,

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