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secularization Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

secularization ka kya matlab hota hai

कुछ बदलने की गतिविधि (कला या शिक्षा या समाज या नैतिकता आदि


इहलोक का बनाना, लौकिकीकरण,

secularization's Usage Examples:

After that secularization was the burning question in Californian politics.

Nor was it unreasonable that from the secularization of Islam the chief advantage should be reaped by those who best knew the world.

The secularization of Prussia was opposed by the more religious of Sigismund's counsellors, and the king certainly exposed himself to considerable odium in the Catholic world; but taking all the circumstances into consideration, it was perhaps the shortest way out of a situation bristling with difficulties.

But his appeal was in vain, and so the secularization of the Pharisaic movement culminated in due course in the fall of Jerusalem.

That a sovereign like St Louis should be able to associate himself officially with the feudalism of his realm to repress abuses of church jurisdiction; that a contemporary of Philip the Fair, the lawyer Pierre Dubois, should dare to suggest the secularization of ecclesiastical property and the conversion of the clergy into a class of functionaries paid out of the royal treasury; and that Philip the Fair, the adversary of Boniface VIII., should be able to rely in his conflict with the leader of the Church on the popular consent obtained at a meeting of the Three Estates of France - all point to a singular demoralization of the sentiments and principles on which were based the whole power of the pontiff of Rome and the entire organization of medieval Catholicism.

In the Hasmonaean sovereignty these ideas took a political form, and the result was the secularization of the kingdom of God for the sake of a harsh and rapacious aristocracy.

Secularization was mentioned in parliament.

The immediate results of disestablishment were civil marriage, the civil registry of births and deaths, and the secularization of cemeteries; but the church retains its influence over all loyal churchmen through the confessional, the last rites of the church, and their sentiment against the profanation of holy ground.

The process of change is called by Harnack sometimes " secularization" and sometimes ' Hellenization."

His object, therefore, is to protest against the growing secularization of the Pharisaic party through its adoption of popular Messianic beliefs and political ideals.

secularization's Meaning':

the activity of changing something (art or education or society or morality etc.


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