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scarabaeus Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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Scarabaeid बीटल को प्राचीन मिस्र के लोगों द्वारा दिव्य माना जाता है

scarabaeus's Usage Examples:

- Scarabaeus FIG.

28) and Aphodius, and in warmer regions by the "sacred" beetles of the Egyptians (Scarabaeus) (fig.

It has been suggested that Baalzebub was the dung-beetle, Scarabaeus pillularius, worshipped in Egypt.

The flex nitive animal gods are not to be confused with the animal not ns ascribed to many cosmic deities; thus when the sun-god Osii was pictured as a scarabaeus, or dung-beetle, rolling its ball Isis lung behind it, this was certainly mere poetical imagery.

There are many varieties of beetle, including a number of species representing the scarabaeus of the ancients.

In 1548 he took the degree of master of arts; but in the same year he found it necessary to leave England on account of the suspicions entertained of his being a conjurer; these were first excited by a piece of machinery, which, in the Pax of Aristophanes, he exhibited to the university, representing the scarabaeus flying up to Jupiter, with a man and a basket of victuals on its back.

The Egyptians adopted from the Greeks, with considerable modifications of its attendant symbolism, the twelve-fold division of the zodiac. Aries became the Fleece; two Sprouting Plants, typifying equality or resemblance, stood for Gemini; Cancer was re-named Scarabaeus; Leo was converted, from the axe-like configuration of its chief stars, into the Knife: Libra into the Mountain of the Sun, a reminiscence, apparently, of the Euphratean association of the seventh month with a " holy mound," designating the biblical tower of Babel.

Genera: (a) Scarabaeus, Lucanus, Dermestes, Hister, Byrrhus, Gyrinus, Attelabus, Curculio, Silpha, Coccinella; (b) Bruchus, Cassida, Ptinus, Chrysomela, Hispa, Meloe, Tenebrio, Lampyris, Mordella, Staphylinus; (c) Cerambyx, Leptura, Cantharis, Elater, Cicindela, Buprestis, Dytiscus, Carabus, Necydalis, Forficula.

The habits of Scarabaeus have been described in detail by J.

scarabaeus's Meaning':

scarabaeid beetle considered divine by ancient Egyptians

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