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salvia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

salvia ka kya matlab hota hai


जीनस साल्विया के विभिन्न पौधों में से कोई भी; एक विश्वव्यापी जड़ी बूटी


सेज जाति के बँधी हुई पंखड़ियों वाले पौधों के प्रकार (इसमें अनेक उद्यान के फूलवाले पौधे भी आते हैं), सैल्विया,

salvia's Usage Examples:

There is definitely an element of the trickster archetype pervading the Salvia realm, and not every trip ends in a nice tidy enlightenment!

A series of empty coloured bracts terminates the inflorescence of Salvia Horminum.

When bracts become coloured, as in Amherstia nobilis, Euphorbia splendens, Erica elegans and Salvia splendens, they may be mistaken for parts of the corolla.

Pollination of Salvia Pratensis.

of Urbs Salvia.

The road thence went on to Nuceria (whence a branch road ran to Septempeda and thence either to Ancona or to Tolentinum and Urbs Salvia) and Helvillum, and then crossed the main ridge of the Apennines, a temple of Jupiter Apenninus standing at the summit of the pass.

By the end of the month, masses of the following plants may be formed with safety in warm localities: - pelargonium, heliotropium, fuchsia, petunia, nierembergia, salvia, verbena, bouvardia and lobelia.

Clianthus Clivia Cobaea* Coleus Coprosma Cordyline Correa Cuphea Cyclamen Cyperus Cytisus Darwinia (Genetyllis) Diosma Dracaena Eccremocarpus* Epacris Epiphyllum Erica Eriostemon Erythrina Eucalyptus Eupatorium Eurya Ficus Fuchsia Grevillea Haemanthusf Heliotropium Hibiscus Hoya* Hydrangea Impatiens Jasminum * Justicia Kalosanthes Lachenaliaf Lantana Lapageria * Liliumt Lophospermum* Mandevillea* Manettia* Mutisia* Myrsiphyllum* Maurandya * Nerinef Nerium Pelargonium Petunia Pimelia Plumbago* Polianthesf Primula Rhododendron Richardia (Calla) f Salvia Sarracenia Solanum Sparmannia Statice Strelitzia Streptocarpus Swainsonia Tacsonia* Tecoma Tradescantia Vallotaf Spring Bedding.

Urbs Salvia >>

2 permission of Gustav Fischer.) of Salvia pratensis.

salvia's Meaning':

any of various plants of the genus Salvia; a cosmopolitan herb


herb, cancerweed, Salvia clarea, Salvia pratensis, wild sage, chaparral sage, Salvia lyrata, Salvia verbenaca, ramona, clary, Salvia sclarea, sage, meadow clary, mealy sage, Mexican mint, Salvia leucophylla, Salvia reflexa, blue sage, Salvia farinacea, Salvia divinorum, Salvia lancifolia, herbaceous plant, clary sage, Salvia officinalis, cancer weed, Salvia azurea, Salvia spathacea, wild clary, genus Salvia, pitcher sage, purple sage, vervain sage, common sage,


achromatic, foolish,

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