rootless Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
rootless ka kya matlab hota hai
बिना धातु, बिना यौगिक शब्द, बिना हेतु, बिना आधार, बिना कारण, बिना नीचे का भाग, बिना मूल, बिना जड़,
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rootless शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
भट्टियों के बिना धातुकर्म की कल्पना नहीं की जा सकती।
rootless's Usage Examples:
- The mole-rats (Spalacidae) bring us to the mouselike section, or Myoidea, in which there are no premolars and the molars may be occasionally reduced to z; these teeth being either rooted or rootless, with either cusps or enamel-folds, and the first generally larger than the second.
The dentition includes one pair of premolars above and below, and rooted or rootless molars with but few enamel folds.
The second section, Castoroidea, of the present group includes only the family Castoridae, represented by the beavers, which are large aquatic rodents characterized by their massive skulls, devoid of post-orbital processes, with the angle of the lower jaw rounded, the molars rootless or semi-rooted, with re-entering enamel-folds, and one pair of premolars above and below.
Sewellels are medium-sized terrestrial rodents, with no postorbital process to the skull, which is depressed in form, and rootless cheek-teeth, among which the premolars number I, the first in the upper jaw being very small.
rootless, and either cusped or formed of parallel plates, this diversityof structure often occurring in the same family.
- Vertical and Longitudinal Section through the Skull of the Beaver (Castor fiber), showing the brain-cavity, the greatly developed plates of bone in the nose-cavity, the mode of implantation of the ever-growing chisel-edged incisor, and the curved rootless cheek-teeth.
The premolars and molars may be rooted or rootless, with tuberculated or laminated crowns, and are arranged in an unbroken series.
The Octodontidae, which are exclusively South American, differ from the preceding family by the tympanic bulla being filled with cellular bony tissue, and by the par-occipital process curving beneath it, while the cheek-teeth are almost or completely rootless and composed of parallel plates.
They may be " rootless " masses brought upon the top of the later beds by thrustplanes.
Dipodomys, which has the molars rootless, is typified by D.
vagabond, unsettled,
inhabited, invariable, settled,