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rhetor Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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rhetor शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

2018 में सरसौर और मल्लोरी ने कथित रूप से इस्लाम के नेता लुई फर्राखन के राष्ट्र की निंदा करने से इनकार करने पर एक विवाद का ध्यान केंद्रित किया, जिसकी लफ्फाजी को दक्षिणी गरीबी कानून केंद्र और एंटी डिफेमेशन लीग द्वारा एंटीसेप्टिक और होमोफोबिक माना गया है।


rhetor's Usage Examples:

For a long time he could not utter a word, so that the Rhetor had to repeat his question.

Drawing nearer, he recognized in the Rhetor a man he knew, Smolyaninov, and it mortified him to think that the newcomer was an acquaintance--he wished him simply a brother and a virtuous instructor.

With bated breath and beating heart he moved toward the Rhetor (by which name the brother who prepared a seeker for entrance into the Brotherhood was known).

An historical work of somewhat similar character to John's is the compilation in 12 books which is generally known by the name of Zacharias Rhetor, 9 because the anonymous Syriac compiler has incorporated the Syriac version or epitome of a lost 6 See Brooks and Hamilton's translation of the latter, p. 234.

The rhetorical situation isn't simply found, but is in part created by the rhetor in conjunction with an audience.

And in Greek Panegureis or festivals the sacrificial wine had to be dispensed from one common bowl: " Unto a common cup they come together, and from it pour libations as well as sacrifice," says Aristides Rhetor in his Isthmica in Neptunum, p. 45.

(1858); Vahlen, Der Rhetor Alkidamas (1864); Blass, Die attische Beredsamkeit.

Schmid, Marius Victorinus Rhetor and seine Beziehungen zu Augustin (Kiel, 1895); Gore in Dictionary of Christian Biography, iv.; M.

According to the historical compilation which passes under the name of Zacharias Rhetor, he also wrote a treatise on the faith.

Boissonade chiefly devoted his attention to later Greek literature: Philostratus, Heroica (1806) and Epistolae (1842); Marinus, Vita procli (1814); Tiberius Rhetor, De Figuris (1815); Nicetas Eugenianus, Drosilla et Charicles (1819); Herodian, Partitiones (1819); Aristaenetus, Epistolae (1822); Eunapius, Vitae Sophisiarum (1822); Babrius, Fables (1844); Tzetzes, Allegoriae Iliados (1851); and a Collection of Greek Poets in 24 vols.

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