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revolutionists Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

revolutionists ka kya matlab hota hai


राजनीतिक या सामाजिक क्रांति का एक कट्टरपंथी समर्थक


राज्य-परिवर्तन-संबंधी, बलवा करने में सहायक,

revolutionists's Usage Examples:

Vindiciae Gallicae was the verdict of a philosophic Liberal on the development of the French Revolution up to the spring of 1791, and though the excesses of the revolutionists compelled him a few years after to express his entire agreement with the opinions of Burke, its defence of the "rights of man" is a valuable statement of the cultured Whig's point of view at the time.

He was a type of the French revolutionists, excitable, warm-hearted, half-educated, who lost their mental and moral balance in the chaos of the revolutionary period.

But his predilections in favour of the revolutionists were notorious, and the mob seized the occasion to burn his chapel and sack his house at Fairhill.

The policy of the French revolutionists had been to surround France with free and allied republics.

Suspected of intriguing with the revolutionists, Pulszky fled to Budapest to avoid arrest.

The Cordeliers were combated by those revolutionists who wished to end the Terror, especially by Danton, and by Camille Desmoulins in his journal Le Vieux Cordelier.

The Lombard republicans had been greatly weakened by the events of 1848, but Mazzini still believed that a bold act by a few revolutionists would make the people rise en masse and expel the Austrians.

The promise of a constitution for the empire, ~,~after made in 1849, was never carried out; the government of Lombardo-Venetia was vested in Field-Marshal Radetzky; and although only very few of the revolutionists were excluded from the amnesty, the carrying of arms or the distribution or possession of revolutionary literature was punished with death.

All these forces were equally necessarythe revolutionists to keep up agitation and make government by bayonets impossible; the moderates to curb the impetuosity of the revolutionists and to present a scheme of society that was neither reactionary nor anarchical; the volunteers abroad to gain military experience; and the more peaceful exiles to spread the name of Italy among foreign peoples.

on which the Italian revolutionists had built their hopes; the Austrians intervened unhindered; the old governments were re-established in Parma, Modena and Romagna; and Menotti and many other patriots were hanged.

revolutionists's Meaning':

a radical supporter of political or social revolution


insurrectionist, subversive, counterrevolutionist, freedom fighter, revolutionary, rebel, counter-revolutionist, Girondist, insurgent, dynamitist, dynamiter, Girondin, counterrevolutionary, radical, subverter,


loyal, old, conformist, moderate, incidental,

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