retinue Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
retinue ka kya matlab hota hai
ठाट बाट
सेवकवृंद, नौकर-चाकर, परिचारक वर्ग, अनुचरवर्ग,
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retinue शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
यहाँ तक कि बड़ी उम्र के नौकर-चाकर भी उनके पास नहीं आ सकते थे।
महल पहुँचकर उन्होंने नौकर-चाकरों को बुलाया तथा सारी सुविधाओं के साथ उनके ठहरने का इंतजाम करने का निर्देश दिया।
नौकर-चाकर शहज़ादी को जगाने के बाद गुस्से में चुडैलों को भगाने पक्का इरादा लेकर कर उठते हैं।
उनकी सुविधा के लिए घर के काम-काज के साथ-साथ बच्चों को सम्हालने के लिए अलग से नौकर-चाकर लगा दिये थे, ताकि वे पूरा समय लेखन को समर्पित कर सकें।
জজজ नौकर-चाकर भी संस्कृत बोलते थे।
विक्रम अपने सगे-सम्बन्धियों तथा नौकर-चाकरों के साथ उसे देखने गए।
इतिहासकार रोमेन हायेस (अं: Romain Hayes) के अनुसार "जर्मनी के विदेश विभाग ने सुभाषचन्द्र बोस के लिये आलीशान आवास, नौकर-चाकर, रसोइये और ड्राइवर समेत कार की व्यवस्था की हुई थी।
इस भाव से भाई-बहन, दायां कान, लघु यात्राएं, साहस, सामर्थ्य अर्थात् पराक्रम, नौकर-चाकर, भाई बहनों से संबंध, पडौसी, लेखन-प्रकाशन आदि पर विचार करते है।
नौकर-चाकर कुछ दिनों तक तो धीरज से सब कुछ सहते रहे लेकिन कब तक ऐसा चलता? राजा के कोप की भी उन्होंने पहवाह नहीं की और भाग खड़े हुए।
दोनों की बेगमें हैं, नौकर-चाकर हैं, समय से नाश्ता-खाना, पान-तम्बाकू आदि उपलब्ध होता रहता है।
उसकी देख-रेख के लिए नौकर-चाकर नियुक्त कर दिए गए।
retinue's Usage Examples:
In the age succeeding the Mahommedan conquest the exilarch was noted for the stately retinue that accompanied him, the luxurious banquets given at his abode, and the courtly etiquette that prevailed there.
But matters went otherwise than he had expected; when he waxed unmannerly, and unsheathed his dagger to strike one of the royal retinue who had dared to answer him back, the mayor of London, William Walworth, drew his cutlass and cut him down.
In the centre was the serai, occupied by the king and his retinue, with an extension towards the north, opening on a large inner court, containing the public reception rooms, elaborately decorated with sculptures and historical inscriptions, representing scenes of hunting, worship, feasts, battles, and the like.
When I think of the benefactors of the race, whom we have apotheosized as messengers from heaven, bearers of divine gifts to man, I do not see in my mind any retinue at their heels, any carload of fashionable furniture.
He had his country houses and fisheries, and when he travelled to attend parliament his retinue amounted to upwards of ioo persons.
As to the serfs the only indication was that three out of their huge retinue disappeared during the night, but nothing was stolen; and as to the value of their possessions, the thirty peasant carts that had come in from their estates and which many people envied proved to be extremely valuable and they were offered enormous sums of money for them.
At Kandahar he planned a conspiracy against the government, slew Gurji Khan and his retinue, seized the city, defeated two Persian armies sent against him, and died a natural death in i715.
Her accomplishments attracted Theodosius' sister Pulcheria, who took her into her retinue and destined her to be the emperor's wife.
In magnificence of equipage and retinue the abbots vied with the first nobles of the realm.
Towards the end of 66 he arrived in Greece with a retinue of soldiers, courtiers, musicians and dancers.
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