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ret Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

ret ka kya matlab hota hai


जगह (फ्लेक्स हेम या जूट


सिक्त करना, तर करना, भिगोरना, गीला करना,

ret's Usage Examples:

RET, a tyrosine kinase receptor, is somatically mutated in 38% of thyroid medullary carcinomas.

homilyf the writing of this review, there is only one RET edition available, The Elizabethan Homilies (1623 ).

heat eighteen: Jason Crump, Krzysztof Kasprzak, Leigh Adams, Hans N. Andersen (ret ).

The black represents the cuticular product of the epidermal cells of the ocular area, taking the form either of))...,r,, f lens, cl, of crystalline body, cry, or of rhabdom, rhab; hy, hypodermis or epidermal cells; corn', laterallyplaced cells in the simpler stage, A, which like the nerve-end cells, vit' and ret', are corneagens or lens-producing; corn, specialized corneagen or lens-producing cells; vie, potential vitrella cells with cry', potential crystalline body now indistinguishable from retinula cells and rhabdomeres; vit, vitrella cell with cry, its contained cuticular product, the crystalline cone or body; ret', rhab', retinula cells and rhabdom of scorpion undifferentiated from adjacent cells, vit'; ret, retinula cell; rhab, rhabdom; nf, optic nerve-fibres.


ret, Retinula cells.

The reverse bears the motto Ret og Sandhed (Right and Truth).

Fresh translations of Aristotle and Averroes had already been made from the Arabic (IIepi ret ivropiat from the Hebrew) by Michael Scot, and Hermannus Alamannus, at the instance of the emperor Frederick II.; so that the whole body of Aristotle's works was at hand in Latin translations from about 1210 to 1225.

A, Diagram of a retinula of the central eye of a scorpion consisting of five retina-cells (ret), with adherent branched pigment cells (pig).

D, Transverse section of a retinula of the lateral eye of Limulus, showing ten retinula cells (ret), each bearing a rhabdomere (rhab).

ret's Meaning':

place (flax hemp or jute


dowse, sop, drench, soak, souse, douse,


dry, undercharge, cool, ignite,

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