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rembrandt Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

rembrandt ka kya matlab hota hai


प्रभावशाली डच कलाकार (1606-1669)

rembrandt शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

17वीं सदी एचिंग का महान युग था जिसमें रेम्ब्रांट, जियोवानी बेनेडेटो कास्टिग्लियोन और कई अन्य महारथी कलाकार हुए थे।

एचिंग को अक्सर अन्य इंटैग्लियो तकनीकों के साथ शामिल किया गया है जैसे कि एनग्रेविंग (उदाहरण के लिए रेम्ब्रांट) या एक्वाटिंट (उदाहरण के लिए गोया).।

गैलरी में कई कलकृतियां टंगी हुई हैं जिनमें से कुछ रेम्ब्रांट, वैन डैक, रुबेन्स और वर्मीर की हैं; पिक्चर गैलरी से लगे अन्य कमरों में राजगद्दी कक्ष और ग्रीन ड्राइंग रूम शामिल है।


इसके अलावा, कला के उत्कर्ष (रेम्ब्रांट, जोहान्स वर्मियर और कई अन्य जैसे चित्रकारों) और विज्ञान (ह्यूगन ग्रोटियस और एंटोनी वैन लीउवेनहुक सहित) द्वारा, और विभिन्न धर्मों और विचारों के प्रति अपने अपेक्षाकृत सहिष्णु वातावरण सहित 17 वीं शताब्दी में डच व्यापार, विज्ञान, सैन्य और कला दुनिया में सबसे अधिक प्रशंसित थे।

17वीं सदी में: क्लाउड, निकोलस पोसिन, रेम्ब्रांट, गुएर्सिनो और पीटर पॉल रूबेंस.।

rembrandt's Usage Examples:

The important van der Hoop collection arose out of bequests by Adrian van der Hoop and his widow in 1854 and 1880; but the most famous pictures in the Ryks Museum are perhaps the three which come from the Trippenhuis, namely, the so-called "Nightwatch" and the "Syndics of the Cloth Hall" by Rembrandt, and the "Banquet of the Civic Guard," by van der Helst.

Between this and the next crescent of the Heeren Gracht sprang up, on the east, the labyrinthine quarter where for more than three centuries the large Jewish population has been located, and in the middle of which the painter Rembrandt lived (1640-1656) and the philosopher Spinoza was born (1632).

But it was reserved for the 17th century to witness the flower and fruit time of this powerful art in the work of Porbus, Rubens and Vandyck, in the Dutch schools of landscape and home-life, and in the unique masterpieces of Rembrandt.

Other paintings with which the name of the gallery is generally associated are Correggio's "La Notte" and "Mary Magdalene"; Titian's "Tribute Money" and "Venus"; "The Adoration" and "The Marriage in Cana," by Paul Veronese; Andrea del Sarto's "Abraham's Sacrifice"; Rembrandt's "Portrait of Himself with his Wife sitting on his Knee"; "The Judgment of Paris" and "The Boar Hunt," by Rubens; Van Dyck's "Charles I., his Queen, and their Children."

In the palace chapel are pictures by Rembrandt, Nicolas Poussin, Guido Reni and Annibale Caracci.

The gallery of paintings, housed in a handsome building erected in 1880 on the Schdne Aussicht, contains one of the finest small collections in Europe, especially rich in the works of Rembrandt, Frans Hals and Van Dyck.

And yet, though Rembrandt's " Nightwatch " is dated the very year after the publication of the Meditations, not a word in Descartes breathes of any work of art or historical learning.

Abroad its navigators monopolized the commerce of the world, and explored unknown seas; at home the Dutch school of painting reached its acme in Rembrandt (1607-1669); and the philological reputation of the country was sustained by Grotius, Vossius and the elder Heinsius.

Rembrandt jewelry cannot be purchased from their website.

Jan van Goyen, Gabriel Metsu, Gerard Dou and Rembrandt were also natives of this town.

rembrandt's Meaning':

influential Dutch artist (1606-1669

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