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reign Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

reign ka kya matlab hota hai



राज्य-काल, शासन-राज्य, राज,


शासन करना, राज्य करना,

reign शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


ओड़ीसा का इतिहास चीन की साम्राज्यकालीन परीक्षाएँ , चीन के साम्राज्य-काल में आयोजित होने वाली परीक्षाएँ थीं जो वहाँ के लोक-सेवाओं के लिए अभ्यर्थियों के चुनाव के लिए आयोजित की जातीं थीं।

उनका राज्य-काल १७६० से १८०१ तक था।

फिर काश्मीरराज अनंतदेव के राज्य-काल में कथा-सरित्सागर की रचना हुई।

उसका राज्य-काल १३७१ से १३९० तक था।

reign's Usage Examples:

The manor of Little Bolton seems to have been, at least from Henry III.'s reign, distinct from that of Great Bolton, and was held till the 17th century by the Botheltons or Boltons.

On the deposition of Charles the Fat in 887 he was excluded from the throne by his youth; but during the reign of Odo, who had succeeded Charles, he succeeded in gaining the recognition of a certain number of notables and in securing his coronation at Reims on the 28th of January 893.

About the second year of Eadred's reign there was another revolt and Eric Bloodaxe, the exiled king of Norway, obtained the throne.

In the latter years of his reign Harsha's sway over the whole basin of the Ganges from the Himalayas to the Nerbudda was undisputed.

The chronology of the last part of his reign is uncertain.

A horrible reign of terror ensued, in the course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudoxia was dragged from her monastery and publicly tried for alleged adultery, while all who had in any way befriended Alexius were impaled, broken on the wheel and otherwise lingeringly done to death.

The reign of the king marks the high point of the 26th dynasty in terms of wealth and prosperity.

What a splendid reign the Emperor Alexander's might have been!

Boss Gary Mills suffered the heaviest defeat of his managerial reign to end a run of five straight wins.

We can no longer both reign together.


rule, govern,


middle, beginning, uptime,

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