reforming Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
reforming ka kya matlab hota hai
रिफ़ार्म, दोषनिवृत्ति, सुधार,
दोष हटाना, फिर से बनाना, सुधारना,
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reforming शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
क़ाज़ाक़्स्तान सत्प्रवृत्ति और दोषनिवृत्ति को ही जैनधर्म में व्रत कहा जाता है।
ठहराव और दोषनिवृत्ति (1683-1827) ।
तीन वर्ष श्रीलंका में रहकर उन्होंने 'सीलोन सोशल रिफ़ार्मेशन सोसाइटी' का संगठन किया और यूनिवर्सिटी आंदोलन का नेतृत्व किया।
फ़िलिप ह्यूज : ए पापुलर हिस्ट्री ऑव द रिफ़ार्मेशन्स इन इंग्लैंड।
reforming's Usage Examples:
During his visit to Egypt he had an interview with Mehemet Ali, of whose character as a reforming monarch he did not bring away a very favourable impression.
Gustavus at once took the young priest by the hand, appointed him, at twenty-five, one of his chaplains; made him a canon before he was thirty and a bishop at thirty-two, and finally placed him at the head of the newly appointed commission for reforming the ecclesiastical administration of the country.
I have aimed at establishing principally the historical position of the various questions, and secondarily the necessity for reforming more or less the traditional concepts."
She forced me to experience all the pain I caused in my life, in the hopes of reforming me.
The kharaj, the jiziye, and the whole feudal system disappeared in theory, although its spirit, and indeed in some respects its practice, still exists in fact, during the reforming period initiated by Sultan Selim III., culminating in the Tanzimat-i-Khairiye (1839) of Abd-ul-Mejid, and the Hatt-iHumayun issued by the same sultan (1856).
It is more important to observe that under Joseph and his ministers or advisers, including the Frenchmen Roederer, Dumas, Miot de Melito and the Corsican Saliceti, great progress was made in abolishing feudal laws and customs, in reforming the judicial procedure and criminal laws on the model of the Code Napoleon, and in attempting the beginnings of elementary education.
in Saxony, and accompanied him to Cologne and Aix-la-Chapelle; to Reims he also summoned a meeting of the higher clergy, by which several important reforming decrees were passed.
He was educated at Toul, where he successively became canon and (1026) bishop; in the latter capacity he rendered important political services to his relative Conrad II., and afterwards to Henry III., and at the same time he became widely known as an earnest and reforming ecclesiastic by the zeal he showed in spreading the rule of the order of Cluny.
Otherwise, it is not clear why we find him opposing himself to the Egyptian king Necho, since the assumption that he fought as an Assyrian vassal scarcely agrees with the profound reforming policy ascribed to him.
But in spite of the fiasco of the Irish Councils Bill (1907), the struggles over education (Mr Birrell's bill of 1906 being dropped on account of the Lords' amendments), the rejection by the peers of the Plural Voting Abolition Bill (1906), and the failure (again due to the Lords) of the Scottish Small Holdings Bill and Valuation Bill (1907), which at the time made his premiership appear to be a period of bitter and unproductive debate, a good many reforming measures of some moment were carried.
land reform, moralisation, improvement, moralization, housecleaning,
dissimilate, tune, decrease, stiffen, falsify,