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rationalist Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

rationalist ka kya matlab hota hai




rationalist शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ उसका दृष्टिकोण बुद्धिवादी है।

इस पर उसके बुद्धिवादी युग की छाप स्पष्ट है।

उपर्युक्त विवेचन से ऐसा निश्चय होता है कि सांख्य दर्शन का "सांख्य" नाम दोनों ही प्रकारों से उसके बुद्धिवादी तर्कप्रधान होने का सूचक है।

वस्तुत: प्राचीन काल के मनीषियों ने जो भी ज्ञान अर्जित किया, उसे बुद्धिवादी कहना ठीक होगा।

फ्रांसीसी बुद्धिवादी आंदोलन उसका प्रधान कारण था।

एक ही तरीके से, प्रत्यक्षवाद कार्ल पॉपर द्वारा प्रस्तुत महत्वपूर्ण बुद्धिवादी गैर-न्यायवाद के सामने आया है, जो स्वयं थॉमस कुह्न के ज्ञान मीमांसा के प्रतिमान विचलन की अवधारणा के ज़रिए विवादित है।

सुकरात का दृष्टिकोण बुद्धिवादी है।

नेताओं को भी उतना ही बुद्धिवादी होना चाहिए कि वह जनता कि मूर्खता से लाभ उठा सके और अपने कार्य क्रम बना सकें।

तब से आधुनिक युग तक चीन का आचारदर्शन मुख्य रूप से बुद्धिवादी ही रहा है।

लेकिन कुल मिलाकर उसकी कविता बुद्धिवादी युग की पूर्वपीठिका ही है।

रामसामी (1879-1973) स्व-सम्मान आंदोलन के एक नास्तिक और बुद्धिवादी नेता और द्रविड़ कज़गम थे।

शासक वर्ग का दृष्टिकोण पूर्णतया दार्शनिक, बुद्धिवादी होना चाहिए और इसके लिए उचित शिक्षाप्रणाली नितांत आवश्यक है।

rationalist's Usage Examples:

These two great rationalist movements, the critical and the philosophical, ultimately led to, or were accompanied by, the gradual reduction of religion to a system of morals based at the most on two or three fundamental religious principles.

Such philosophies are called rationalist or sensationalist according as they lay emphasis specially on the function of reason or that of the senses.

The Bible, especially the Old Testament, is thus regarded even by orthodox Christians from a rationalist standpoint, very different from that of the early and medieval Church.

Pusey indeed studied under Eichhorn, and in his Historical Enquiry into the probable causes of the Rationalist Character lately predominant in German Theology (1828-1830) speaks sympathetically of the attitude of the Reformers on the question of Scripture and in condemnation of the later Protestant scholastic doctrine; but even in this book he shows no receptivity for any of the actual critical conclusions of Eichhorn and his successors, and subsequently threw the weight of his learning against critical conclusions - notably in his Commentary on Daniel (1864).

His first work, published in 1828, as an answer to Hugh James Rose's Cambridge lectures on rationalist tendencies in German theology, showed a good deal of sympathy with the German "pietists," who had striven to deliver Protestantism from its decadence; this sympathy was misunderstood, and Pusey was himself accused of holding rationalist views.

A liberal and a corrservative theology (rationalist and orthodox) exist side by side within the churches, and while the latter clings to the theology of the 16th century, the former ventures to raise doubts about the truth of such a common and simple standard as the Apostles' Creed.

Messina was the birthplace of Dicaearchus, the historian (c. 322 B.C.); Aristocles, the Peripatetic; Euhemerus, the rationalist (c. 316 B.C.); Stefano Protonotario, Mazzeo di Ricco and Tommaso di Sasso, poets of the court of Frederick II.

In philosophy Buridan was a rationalist, and followed Occam in denying all objective reality to universals, which he regarded as mere words.

The first great rationalist leader was J.

It is impossible in reading Erasmus not to be reminded of the rationalist of the 18th century.


logical positivist, nonreligious person, positivist,


religious person,

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