quorum Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
quorum ka kya matlab hota hai
कार्यसाधक संख्या, इयत्ता, कोरम,
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quorum शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
इस प्रकार वह सामाजिक दृष्टि से अपनी इयत्ता का निर्धारण करता है।
पह छवि उसकी इयत्ता न हो कर उसका स्थानापन्न बिम्ब है।
वैष्णव भक्ति तत्कालीन मान्यताओं और जनता की भक्तिपूत भावनाओं से जुड़े रहकर इस महाकवि ने राम के चरित्र को महत्तापूरित एवं परमपूर्णत्व समन्वित ऐसे आयामों में प्रस्तुत किया जिनकी इयत्ता और ईदृक्ता सहज ग्राह्य होते हुए भी अकल्पनीय रूप से मनोहर किंवा मनोरम थी।
कूले के मुताबिक बच्चे की इयत्ता का निर्धारण तीन अवस्थाओं से होता है।
জজজ मनुष्य की इयत्ता को समाज की उपज मानने के सन्दर्भ में दुर्ख़ाइम कॉम्त, मार्क्स, वेबर आदि सामाजिक चिंतकों के नज़दीक बैठते हैं।
उनके यहाँ वैयक्तिकता मनुष्य की इयत्ता के विकास की पूर्वशर्त है।
जीविकाप्राप्ति और समाज के साथ सामंजस्य, तथा भद्र व्यक्तित्व की शिक्षा की इयत्ता नहीं बताते।
इसलिए दुर्ख़ाइम को लगता है कि मन और शरीर को दो अलग इयत्ता करार देने वाला मत केवल समाज की प्रक्रिया से बाहर खड़े जैविक अस्तित्व और सामाजिक प्राणी का अंतर दर्शाता है।
ग़ौरतलब है कि श्रीनिवास सहभागी अध्येता के तौर पर ख़ुद को एक ऐसे अध्येता के रूप में परिभाषित करते हैं जिसकी इयत्ता अपने विषय यानी लोगों से अलग नहीं है।
quorum's Usage Examples:
The governor was chosen by the joint vote of the council and assembly; he was president of the council, with a casting vote; he was chancellor, captain-general and commander-in-chief of the militia; he had three members of the legislature to act as a privy-council; and he, with the council (of which seven formed a quorum), constituted " the Court of Appeals in the last resort in all causes of law, as heretofore," which, in addition, had " the power of granting pardons to criminals, after condemnation, in all cases of treason, felony or other offences."
The unusual provision that two-thirds of each house shall constitute a quorum would probably prove inconvenient, if the political parties were approximately equal in strength.
A majority of either house constitutes a quorum, but as regards ordinary bills, on the third reading, not only must they receive a majority of the quorum, but that majority must be at least two-fifths of the total membership of the house.
Each tingslag has a court (hciradsratt), consisting of a judge and twelve unpaid assessors (namndeman), of whom seven form a quorum, elected by the people.
Cannon, were adopted on the 14th of February 1890; they provided that every member must vote, unless pecuniarily interested in a measure, that members present and not voting may be counted for a quorum, and that no dilatory motion be entertained by the speaker.
The Senate would choose its own president, and the House of Representatives its speaker; each house would make its own rules of procedure; in each, one-third of the number of members would form a quorum; the members of each must take oath, or make affirmation of allegiance; and all alike would receive an allowance of £400 a year.
Two-thirds of each house constitute a quorum to do business.
When a quorum, with some difficulty, was obtained, another period of retrograde legislation set in.
Are there enough in attendance to constitute a quorum?
But enough members remained to give the legal quorum, and it was carried by 120 to 2 votes.
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