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quirinal Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

quirinal ka kya matlab hota hai



मूत्रस्थान, मूत्रपात्र, मूत्रालय,

quirinal शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ" डचमैप की रेडीमेड कृतियों का एक ऐसा उदहारण वह मूत्रपात्र है जो अपनी पीठ की ओर से रखा गया है, इस पर "आर. मट" के हस्ताक्षर हैं, इसका शीर्षक "फाउन्टेन" है और इसे उस वर्ष की सोसाइटी ऑफ इंडीपेंडेंट आर्टिस्ट्स एक्सीबीशन को दिया गया था।

quirinal's Usage Examples:

About 1886 hopes even ran high that he was on the eve of a reconciliation with King Humbert at the Quirinal.

(a) In 1880 was discovered between the Quirinal and Viminal hills a little earthenware pot of a curious shape, being, as it were, three vessels radiating from a centre, each with a separate mouth at the top. 6 Round the sides of the triangle formed by the three vessels and under the mouths runs an inscription of considerable length.

or repairs to the Quirinal, Lateran and Vatican palaces; the erection of four obelisks, including that in the piazza of St Peter's; the opening of six streets; the restoration of the aqueduct of Severus ("Acqua Felice"); besides numerous roads and bridges, an attempt to drain the Pontine marshes, and the encouragement of agriculture and manufacture.

The original settlement on the Palatine, like its neighbour on the Quirinal, was an agricultural community, whose unit both from the legal and religious point of view was not the individual but the household.

He painted the "Battle of Joshua" in the Quirinal Gallery, the "Crucifixion of St Andrew" in the church of that saint on Monte Cavallo, various works for the Jesuits, some also in co-operation with his brother.

From early times he was worshipped at Rome on the Quirinal hill, whither, according to tradition, a body of Sabines under Titus Tatius had migrated from Cures and taken up their abode.

Incensed by the elevation to the rank of embassies of the Italian legation in Paris and the French legation to the Quirinal, and by the introduction of the Italian bill against clerical abuses, the French Clerical party not only attacked Italy and her representative, General Cialdini, in the Chamber of Deputies, but promoted a monster petition against the Italian bill.

Early in the year the crown prince Humbert with the Princess Margherita took up their residence in the Quirinal Palace, which, in view of the Vatican refusal to deliver up the keys, had to be opened by force.

By Article 11, diplomatists accredited to the Holy See, and papal diplomatists while in Italy, were placed on the same footing as diplomatists accredited to the Quirinal.

Paul began the famous Villa Borghese; enlarged the Quirinal and Vatican; completed the nave, facade and portico of St Peter's; erected the Borghese Chapel in Sta Maria Maggiore; and restored the aqueduct of Augustus and Trajan ("Acqua Paolina").

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