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quetzalcoatl Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

quetzalcoatl ka kya matlab hota hai


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quetzalcoatl's Usage Examples:

The snake is another common subject of sculpture and is often shown as Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent.

- These are almost unanimously attributed to " culture-heroes," beings theriomorphic or anthropomorphic, who, like Pund-jel, Qat, Quawteaht, Prometheus, Manabozho, Quetzalcoatl, Cagn and the rest, taught men the use of the bow, the processes (where known) of pottery, agriculture (as Demeter), the due course of the mysteries, divination, and everything else they knew.

For the composite character of Quetzalcoatl as a "culturehero " (a more polished version of Qat), as a " nature-god," and as a theriomorphic god see Muller (op. cit.

As is related in the legends, Quetzalcoatl came into the land to teach men to till the soil, to work metals and to rule a well-ordered state; the two gods played their famous match at the ball-game, and Tezcatlipoca persuaded the weary Quetzalcoatl to drink the magic pulque that sent him roaming to the distant ocean, where he embarked in his boat and disappeared from among men.'

when Quetzalcoatl reached the Atlantic he sent back his companions to tell the Cholulans that in a future age his brethren,.

With the Toltecs is associated the tradition of Quetzalcoatl, a name which presentsitself in Mexican religion as that of a great deity, god of the air,.

There is evidence to show that the Aztecs adopted the civilization of the Toltecs, including their religion (Quetzalcoatl being a god of the Toltecs and Mayas), calendar and architecture.

Between him and Quetzalcoatl, the ancient deity of Cholula, there had been old rivalry.

The great pyramid of Cholula with its hemispherical temple of Quetzalcoatl at the top, now an almost shapeless hill surmounted by a church, was about thrice as long and twice as high as the teocalli of Mexico.

Figures of the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tepeyollotli.

quetzalcoatl's Meaning':

an Aztec deity represented as a plumed serpent

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