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puebla Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

puebla ka kya matlab hota hai


दक्षिण मध्य मेक्सिको में एक शहर (मेक्सिको सिटी के दक्षिणपूर्व)



puebla शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

ओआजाका मेक्सिको देश का एक राज्य है, जो उत्तर में पुएब्ला तथा वेराक्रूज़ राज्य से, पूर्व में च्यापास राज्य से, दक्षिण में प्रशांत महासागर से तथा पश्चिम में गेरेरो राज्य से घिरा हुआ है।

ला पुएबला दे आरगानज़ोन (La Puebla de Arganzón)।

कैटरिना डी सैन जुआन: प्रिंसेसा डी ला इंडिया वाई विजनेरिया डी पुएब्ला

अंतिम बीटल कार का उत्पादन जुलाई 2003 में मेक्सिको के पुएबला में किया गया था।

puebla's Usage Examples:

At the same time the English company holding the concession extended the Guadalupe line to Puebla.

The principal cities of Mexico, other than the capitals above mentioned, are as follows, the populations being those of 1900 except when otherwise stated: Acapulco (pop. 4932), a famous port on the Pacific coast in Guerrero, which was wrecked by the earthquake of 1909; Carmen, or Laguna de Terminos (about 6000), a thriving commercial town and port on the Gulf coast in Campeche; Celaya (2 5,5 6 5), a railway centre and manufacturing town of Guanajuato; Ciudad Guzman, or Zapotlan (about 17,500), an interesting old town of Jalisco; Cholula (about 9000), an ancient native town of Puebla, widely known for its great pyramid; Comitan (9316), the commercial centre of Chiapas; Cordoba (7974 in 1895), a picturesque Spanish town in the sierras of Vera Cruz; Cuautla (6269), the centre of a rich sugar-producing district of Morelos; Guaymas (8648), a flourishing port of Sonora on the Gulf of California; Leon (62,623), the largest city in Guanajuato and distinguished for its commercial activity, manufactures and wealth; Linares (20,690), the second city of Nuevo Leon in size and importance; Matamoros (8347), a prominent commercial centre and river port of Tamaulipas; Mazatlan (17,852), the foremost Mexican port on the Pacific coast; Orizaba (32,894), a city of Vera Cruz famous for its delightful climate and picturesque surroundings; Parral (14,748), a well-known mining centre of southern Chihuahua; San Cristobal (about 16,00o), once capital of Chiapas and rich in historical associations; Tampico (16,313), a Gulf port and railway terminus of Tamaulipas; Tehuantepec (10,386), the largest town on the Tehuantepec railway in Oaxaca; Vera Cruz (29,164), the oldest and best known Gulf port of Mexico.

The Mistecas, or Mixtecas, and Zapotecas, who occupy the southern slopes of the central plateau, especially Puebla, Morelos, Oaxaca and Guerrero, form another distinct race, whose traditional history goes back to the period when the structures now known as Mitla, Monte Alban, Xochicalco and Zaachila were built.

The tierra templada, or sub-tropical zone, rises to an elevation of 5577 ft., and comprises " the greater portions of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, nearly half of Tamaulipas, a small part of Vera Cruz, nearly the whole of Chiapas, nearly all of Oaxaca, a large portion of Guerrero, Jalisco, Sinaloa and Sonora," together with small parts of the inland states of Puebla, Mexico, Morelos and Michoacan.

At the southern extremity of the great table-land, however, in the state of Puebla, there is a considerable mass of crystalline rocks which is believed to be of Archaean age.

The highest part of this great plateau is to be found in the states of Mexico and Puebla, where the general elevation is about 8000 ft.

In addition to these, the Mexican Central and Mexican National, now consolidated, give communicaton with the northern capitals and the United States, and the Mexican Southern runs southward, via Puebla, to the city of Oaxaca.

of the Federal District, with the states of Puebla on the E.

Luis Potosi (1: 250,000), of the environs of Puebla (1: 50,000) and a Carta general de la republics mexicana (1: 250,000).

The largest of these electric-power plants is on the Necaxa and Tenango rivers, in the state of Puebla, 92 m.

puebla's Meaning':

a city in south central Mexico (southeast of Mexico City

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