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prunes Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

prunes ka kya matlab hota hai



भोला-भाला, सूखी हुई जामुन, मूढ़, सूखा आलूबुखारा, मूर्ख, सूखे बेर,


छँटाई करना, छाँटना, काटना,

prunes शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

प्रकृति से ही भोला-भाला, अतः मेरे बहाने को भी सत्य समझ कर अज्ञानी बना हुआ उस ब्राह्मणकुमार ने पीड़ा की निवृत्ति के लिये मेरे सभी अंगों की मालिश की।

ओडी को आमतौर पर भोला-भाला खुश, स्नेही और गारफील्ड की सनकी, दूसरों को पीड़ा पहुंचाने वाले स्वभाव से बेपरवाह आनंदपूर्वक अनजान है, जबकि गारफील्ड उसे शारीरिक पीड़ा पहुंचता है फिर भी, जैसा कि स्ट्रिप की धारावाहिक चित्रकथा में गारफील्ड ओडी को धक्का देकर धकेल देता है या उसे कॉफ़ी टेबिल से बाहर कर देने के लिए चाल चलता है।


राजा अब भोला-भाला गाँव का बालक नहीं रहा है।

अनजान- अज्ञात, अपरिचित, अनभिज्ञ, भोला-भाला, नासमझ, नादान, सीधा, अज्ञ, अज्ञानी।

prunes's Usage Examples:

The Santa Clara Valley has many vegetable and flower-seed farms; it is one of the most fertile of the fruit regions of California, prunes, grapes, peaches and apricots being produced in especial abundance.

The Boise valley is an excellent country for raising apples, prunes and other fruits.

It may be considerably diminished by a return to a more natural system of feeding, as by using brown bread instead of white, by taking oatmeal porridge, and by eating raw or cooked fruits, such as apples, oranges, prunes and figs, or preserves made of fruit, such as raspberry and strawberry jam, marmalade, 'c., by vegetables or by dried and powdered seaweed.

The supremacy of the state is established in the growth of oranges, lemons, citrons, olives, figs, almonds, Persian (or English) walnuts, plums and prunes, grapes and raisins, nectarines, apricots and pomegranates; it also leads in pears and peaches, but here its primacy is not so assured.

Prunes were introduced in 1854, but their possibilities were only slightly appreciaLcd for some thirty years.

Just as the Gathas (the ancient Zoroastrian hymns) omit Gaokerena, and the Hebrew prophets on the whole avoid mythological phrases, so this old Hebrew thinker prunes the primitive exuberance of the traditional myth.

The cultivation of strawberries and vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, beets, beans, tomatoes, egg-plant, cucumbers, water-melons, celery, 'c.) for northern markets, and of orchard fruits, especially plums, pears and prunes, has likewise proved successful.

Grapes, peaches, plums and prunes, apricots, strawberries, raspberries and loganberries, blackberries and dewberries, currants and gooseberries are also grown.

The plum-orchards of the Posavina furnish prunes and a spirit called slivovica, shlivovitsa or sliwowitz.

5); it flies back to the prunes to lay its eggs when the hops are ripe.


dried fruit,


detach, lengthen,

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