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protoplasmic Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

protoplasmic ka kya matlab hota hai

पुरस संबंधी

protoplasmic's Usage Examples:

But even when inside it does not follow that the Fungus can kill the cell, and many cases are known where the Fungus can break throtigh the cells first lines of defence (cell-wall and protoplasmic lining); but the struggle goes on at close quarters, and various degrees of hypertrophy, accumulation of plastic bodies or secretions, discolorations, 'c.,, indicate the suffering of the still living cell.

Again, the degree of differentiation is very slight anatomically, but delicate protoplasmic threads have been shown to extend through all cell-walls, connecting together all the protoplasts of a plant.

Each is a small protoplasmic body, in the meshes of whose vubstance the green coloring matter chlorophyll is contained in some form of solution.

It consists essentially of a number of minute corpuscles or plastids, the protoplasmic substance of which is impregnated with a green coloring matter.

Communication between the various protoplasts of the colony is, however, carried on by means of fine protoplasmic threads, which are continuous through the cell-walls.

Two features which are essentially protoplasmic assume a great importance when we consider these relations.

Every plant is thus found to be composed of a number of these protoplasmic units, or, as they may preferably be termed, proloplasts, all of which are at first exactly alike in appearance and in properties.

The sensory cells are slender epithelial cells, often with a cilium or stiff protoplasmic process, and should perhaps be regarded as the only ectoderm-cells which retain the primitive ciliation of the larval ectoderm, otherwise lost in all Hydrozoa.

The conjoined organism is, in fact, a colony or association of the protoplasmic tinits, though each unit retains its independence.

The cell is essentially an individualized mass of protoplasm containing a differentiated protoplasmic body, called a nucleus.

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