protectorates Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
protectorates ka kya matlab hota hai
परवरिश, संरक्षक का शासन, संरक्षण, संरक्षित राज्य,
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protectorates शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
मलेशिया में बहुत से तमिल बच्चे तमिल स्कूलों में पढ़ते हैं और काफी सारे तमिल बच्चों की परवरिश तमिल मातृभाषी के रूप में होती है।
हालाँकि लता का जन्म इंदौर में हुआ था लेकिन उनकी परवरिश महाराष्ट्र मे हुई. वह बचपन से ही गायक बनना चाहती थीं।
इनकी पैदाइश और परवरिश कोलकाता में हुई।
सन् 1958 में राज कपूर की दो फिल्में प्रदर्शित हुईं-- 'परवरिश' और 'फिर सुबह होगी' इन दोनों ही फिल्मों में उनकी नायिका माला सिन्हा थीं।
|1977 || परवरिश || ||।
महमूद को फ़िल्मों में पहला बड़ा ब्रेक फ़िल्म परवरिश (1958) में मिला था।
'परवरिश' एक सामान्य फिल्म थी भी, परन्तु दोस्तोयेव्स्की के सुप्रसिद्ध उपन्यास 'अपराध और दण्ड' पर आधारित 'फिर सुबह होगी' वस्तुतः एक उत्तम फिल्म थी।
बिना पिता के बालक नन्हें की परवरिश करने में उसके मौसा रघुनाथ प्रसाद ने उसकी माँ का बहुत सहयोग किया।
बचपन में ही पिता की मृत्यु हो जाने के कारण उनकी परवरिश उनके नाना श्री बद्री दत्त जोशी ने की।
उनकी परवरिश और शिक्षा-दीक्षा तत्कालीन बंगाल (वर्तमान में पश्चिम बंगाल) में हुयी।
|1977 || परवरिश || अमित ||।
protectorates's Usage Examples:
In each of the governments general there is a financial controller with extensive powers who corresponds directly with the metropolitan authorities (decree of March 22, 1907)., Details and local differences hi form of government will be found under the headings of the various colonies and protectorates.
In Indo-China, West Africa, French Congo and Madagascar, the colonies and protectorates are grouped under governors-general, and to these high officials extensive powers have been granted by presidential decree.
The oversight of all the colonies and protectorates save Algeria and Tunisia is confided to a minister of the colonies (law of March 20, 1894)1 whose powers correspond to those exercised in France by the minister of the interior.
There is also the Malay group, consisting of the Malay States in the Borneo peninsula and in Borneo, the protectorates of North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak.
The colonies are divisible into two classes, (I) those possessing considerable powers of local self-government, (2) those in which the local government is autocratic. To this second class may be added the protectorates (and some colonies) where the native form of government is maintained under the supervision of French officials.
" The one common element in Protectorates is the prohibition of all foreign relations except those permitted by the protecting state.
The colonial minister is assisted by a number of organizations of which the most important is the superior council of the colonies (created by decree in 1883), an advisory body which inclUdes the senators and deputies elected by the colonies, and delegates elected by the universal suffrage of all citizens in the colonies and protectorates which do not return members to parliament.
The numbers are limited to 475, of whom 250 belong to the home and 225 to the civil services of the colonies and protectorates (Royal Warrant, June 1909).
In the other colonies and protectorates more than half the trade is with foreign countries.
It will be seen that nearly all the colonies and protectorates lie within the tropics.
district, territorial dominion, territory, dominion, associated state,