prostitution Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
prostitution ka kya matlab hota hai
दुस्र्पयोग, रंडीपन,
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prostitution शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
| मद्रास सार्वजनिक संपत्ति दुस्र्पयोग अधिनियम || 1837 || 36।
prostitution's Usage Examples:
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On the one hand we have sects with a strongly ascetic tendency, on the other we find some characterized by unbridled libertinism; in some the most abandoned prostitution has come to be the most sacred mystery; in others again appears the worship of serpents, which here appears to be connected in various and often very loose ways with the other ideas of these Gnostics - hence the names of the " Ophites," " Naasseni."
The existence of this degraded class up to the Exile throws considerable light upon the phraseology of the prophets in referring to idolatry as adultery and the scenes connected with it as prostitution.
Thus, in the early years of the Meiji era, there was a period of complete prostitution.
The meaning of this cult is, of course, reinterpreted in the Gnostic sense: by this unbridled prostitution the Gnostic sects desired to prevent the sexual propagation of mankind, the origin of all evil.
In the interests of hygiene prostitution is licensed, and that fact is by many critics construed as proof of tolerance.
Irenaeus then goes on to tell how at Tyre Simon rescued Helen from prostitution, and took her about with him, saying that she was the first thought of his mind, the mother of all things, by whom in the beginning he had conceived the idea of making angels and arch-angels.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
The sexual morality of the Malays is very lax, but prostitution is not common in consequence.
She didn't want to imagine a ten year old living in the slums, knowing his mother was reduced to prostitution to keep them alive.
harlotry, whoredom, vice crime,