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propelled Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

propelled ka kya matlab hota hai



ढकेलना, आगे को बढ़ाना, ठेलना, प्रेरित करना,

propelled शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


ली अपनी मुठ्ठी की त्वचा को मज़बूत करने के लिए भी व्यायाम करते थे, जिसमें खुरदुरे पत्थरों और बजरी से भरी बाल्टी में हाथो को ढकेलना भी शामिल था।

propelled's Usage Examples:

Some of the largest machines - propelled by motor power - are capable of taking eight or more frames at one time.

- Elastic Spiral Wing, its action, to form a mobile heli vibrate by a direct piston action, propelled vertically, horizontally a b, Anterior margin of wing, to which the neurae or ribs are affixed.

She turned slowly, propelled by a tender breeze from the cold night air that filled the room with a chill of death.

In January 1812 he placed on the Clyde a steamboat (which he named the "Comet") of about 25 tons, propelled by an engine of three horse power, at a speed of 7 m.

He had just constructed a boat that could be propelled by a kite with the wind in its favor, and one day he tried experiments to see if he could steer the kite against the wind.

Penaud next directed his attention to the construction of a model, to be propelled by a screw and sustained by an elastic aeroplane extending horizontally.

The carriage itself had been lost long before; but we know that about the year 1600 Stevinus, with Prince Maurice of Orange and twenty-six others, made use of it on the seashore between Scheveningen and Petten, that it was propelled solely by the force of the wind, and that it acquired a speed which exceeded that of horses.

She turned slowly, propelled by a tender breeze from the cold night air that filled the room.

The sheet is laid to a back mark on the tapes, and is propelled between two rollers s FIG.

propelled electrically from one side to the other.


dynamic, self-propelling, dynamical,


stative, disincentive, lethargic, undynamic,

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