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presses Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

presses ka kya matlab hota hai



शिकंजा, दबाने का यंत्र, चिपटा करने का यंत्र, भीड़-भाड़,


जल्दी करना, भीड़ लगाना, बल देना, ज़ोर देना, बाध्य करना, निचोड़ना, डाटना, दबाव डालना, दबाना,

presses शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

उनकी मौत के साथ ही अंग्रेजों का पंजाब पर शिकंजा कसना शुरू हो गया।

यदि आदतों का शिकंजा बहुत मजबूत हो चुका है तो आप अपने आप से चार सवाल पूछें-।

सच सामने आते ही सत्यम पर शिकंजा कसने लगा।

कुछ परावर्तनोत्तर अतिक्रमों पर शिकंजा कसने की कोशिश के रूप में "अक्खड़" संसद द्वारा खेल अधिनियम 1664 को पारित किया गया।


सऊदी अरब सरकार ने पोर्न साइट्स पर शिकंजा कसने के लिए बेहद कड़े कदम उठाए हैं।

फिर उसके बाद दक्षिण अफ्रीका की टीम ने श्रीलंका की टीम पर शिकंजा कसा और हाशिम आमला और फाफ डू प्लेसी दक्षिण अफ्रीका को जीत दिलाकर ही रहे।

मनोरोग का बढ़ता शिकंजा

आज विकसित देश अपना साम्राज्यवादी शिकंजा कसने के लिए इनका सहारा ले रहे हैं।

एक अच्छे बल्लेबाजी विकेट पर साइमन कैटिच (122), रिकी पोंटिंग (150), मार्कस नॉर्थ (121) और ब्रैड हैडिन (125 नाबाद) के शतकों के साथ ऑस्ट्रेलिया ने 6 विकेट पर 674 रनं पर पारी घोषित करके शिकंजा कस दिया था।

यश का शिकंजा - यशवंत कोठारी।

वातिल शिकंजा (Vice) ।

presses's Usage Examples:

If double-bottomed defecators are used in sufficient number to allow an hour and a half to two hours for making each defecation, and if they are of a size which permits any one of them to be filled up by the cane-mill with juice in ten to twelve minutes, they will make as perfect a defecation as is obtainable by any known system; but their employment involves the expenditure of much high-pressure steam (as exhaust steam will not heat the juice quickly enough through the small surface of the hemispherical inner bottom), and also the use of filter presses for treating the scums. A great deal of skilled superintendence is also required, and first cost is comparatively large.

The buildings are modern, but some scanty remains of rock-hewn wine presses and a few scattered sarcophagi mark the antiquity of the site.

The keys which hold the rail in the chairs are usually of oak and are placed outside the rails; the inside position has also been employed, but has the disadvantage of detracting from the elasticity of the road since the weight of a passing train presses the rails up against a rigid mass of metal instead of against a slightly yielding block of wood.

In 1904 the total number of factories was 391, almost entirely cotton presses and ginning factories, which received an immense impetus from the rise in cotton prices.

Froben received him with open arms, and the presses were soon busy with his books.

The juice is then drawn off and pumped up to one of the double-bottomed defecators and redefecated, or, where juice-heaters have been used instead of defecators, the scums from the separators or subsiders are heated and forced through filter presses, the juice expressed going to the evaporators and the scum cakes formed in the filter presses to the fields as manure.

The proboscis, passing down this groove to the spur, becomes dusted with pollen; as it is drawn back, it presses up the lip-like valve of the stigma so that no pollen can enter the stigmatic chamber; but as it enters the next flower it leaves some pollen on the upper surface of the valve, and thus cross-fertilization is effected.

The most important manufactures are iron and steel, carriage hardware, electrical supplies, bridges, boilers, engines, car wheels, sewing machines, printing presses, agricultural implements, and various other commodities made wholly or chiefly from iron and steel.

In 1888, at Nottingham, hay and straw presses for steam-power, horse-power and handpower were the subjects of competition.

There are cotton presses and ginning factories.


bear down, bear down on, squash, press down on, cranch, crush, crunch, craunch, touch, knuckle, squeeze, push, mash, squelch, grind, drag down, weigh down,


underbid, outbid, bless, curse, beseeching,

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