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preliminaries Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

preliminaries ka kya matlab hota hai


preliminaries शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

प्रारंभिक मध्ययुगीन काल में, ईसाई धर्म, इस्लाम, यहूदी धर्म और पारसी धर्म ने भारत के दक्षिणी और पश्चिमी तटों पर जड़ें जमा लीं।

17वीं सदी का प्रारंभिक काल नवीन 'वैज्ञानिक भूगोल' की शुरूआत का गवाह बना।

प्रारंभिक राजनीतिक एकत्रीकरण ने गंगा बेसिन में स्थित मौर्य और गुप्त साम्राज्यों को जन्म दिया।

बाल मनोविज्ञान का प्रारंभिक संबंध मात्र बाल विकास के अध्ययन से था परंतु हाल के वर्षों में विकासात्मक मनोविज्ञान में किशोरावस्था, वयस्कावस्था तथा वृद्धावस्था के अध्ययन पर भी बल डाला गया है।

प्रारंभिक भूगोल सिर्फ स्थानों का वर्णन करता था।

वह एक विचारशैली है जो प्रारंभिक पुरातन काल से और विशेषत: 17वीं सदी से सभ्य संसार में व्याप्त हो गई।

किन्तु आज तक ऐसा कोई ग्रंथ प्राप्त नहीं हुआ है जो यहाँ के साहित्य की प्रारंभिक दशा पर प्रकाश डालता हो।

ये शाखायें इंजीनियरिंग तथा शिल्प विज्ञान की आधारशिलायें हैं और भौतिकी की प्रारंभिक शिक्षा इनसे ही शुरू की जाती है।

प्रारंभिक आधुनिक भारत।

भूगोल एक प्राचीनतम विज्ञान है और इसकी नींव प्रारंभिक यूनानी विद्वानों के कार्यों में दिखाई पड़ती है।

साहित्य की प्रारंभिक दशा का परिचय देने वाला काव्य ग्रंथ 'रामचरितम्' है जिसे 13 वीं शताब्दी में लिखा गया बताया जाता है।


प्रारंभिक विद्वान वर्णनात्मक भूगोलवेत्ता थे।

preliminaries's Usage Examples:

(written in the third person) the number of those that had intermarried with the heathen is relatively small considering the general trend of the preliminaries, and the list bears a marked resemblance to that in ch.

The works sent to Clement he regarded as preliminaries, laying down principles which were afterwards to be applied to the sciences.

It was Thursday evening and Dean showered and drove over to Ethel Rosewater's luxury apartment where the preliminaries seemed to move along even quicker than usual.

His last act was to listen while on his death-bed to the reading of the preliminaries of the treaty of Paris.

In order to accomplish the first of these two preliminaries, the department established a Faculty of Agriculture at the Royal College of Science in Dublin, and offered a considerable number of scholarships the competition for which becomes increasingly keen.

In the finals, no one read my work over to me, and in the preliminaries I offered subjects with some of which I was in a measure familiar before my work in the Cambridge school; for at the beginning of the year I had passed examinations in English, History, French and German, which Mr. Gilman gave me from previous Harvard papers.

At last, in 1704, Prince George of Denmark undertook the cost of printing; a committee of the Royal Society was appointed to arrange preliminaries, and Flamsteed, protesting and exasperated, had to submit.

An armistice and preliminaries of peace were signed on the 31st of January 1878 at Adrianople, and a definitive treaty was concluded at San Stefano on the 3rd of March 1878.

This was conceded; on the 1st of September, under the mediation of the French ambassador Villeneuve, the preliminaries were signed; on the 4th the grand vizier made his formal entrance into the city, where on the 18th the definitive treaties with Austria and Russia were signed.

Here preliminaries of peace were signed between Napoleon III.


exploratory, explorative,


ending, finish, nonexploratory,

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