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preferential Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

preferential ka kya matlab hota hai



विशेषाधिकारोंवाला, सुविधा-प्राप्त, श्रेष्ठ, उत्तम, स्पृहणीय, बेहतर,

preferential's Usage Examples:

a preferential right over ordinary creditors, and extending, subject to certain limitations, over the whole stock and crop of the tenant.

This convention was notable for its grant of preferential treatment (in general, a rebate of 25% on the customs already levied) to imports from the United Kingdom.

preferential rates on loans over several years.

In bringing about a system of penny postage throughout the empire; in forwarding the construction of the Pacific cable to secure close and safe imperial telegraphic connexion; in creating rapid and efficient lines of steamship communication with the motherland and all the colonies; in granting tariff preference to British goods and in striving for preferential treatment of inter-imperial trade; in assuming responsibility for imperial defence at the two important stations of Halifax and Esquimalt, - Canada, under the guidance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his party, took a leading part and showed a truly national spirit.

This utterance led to an idea that he was inclined to consider favourably the proposal for a preferential tariff, his earlier enthusiasm for Imperial Federation making his support an interesting political possibility.

Lastly, there is a class of difficulties which might arise from preferential treatment of trade from different countries.

In 1909 a direct primary elections law was passed which required a majority of all votes to nominate, and, to make a majority possible, provided for preferential (or second-choice) voting, such votes to be canvassed and added to the first-choice vote for each candidate if there be no majority by the first-choice vote.

At the peace in 1815, however, only four were spared, namely, Frankfort, Bremen, Hamburg and Lubeck, these being practically the only ones still in a sufficiently flourishing and economically independent position to warrant such preferential treatment.

He saw the true field for commercial expansion within the Empire, and therefore advocated preferential duties.

Mr Chamberlain himself had proposed only to take it off as regards colonial, and not foreign corn, - thus inaugurating a preferential system.


advantageous, discriminatory,


favorable, unprejudiced, disadvantageous,

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