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precaution Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

precaution ka kya matlab hota hai



पूर्वावधान, पूर्वोपाय, एहतियात,

precaution's Usage Examples:

Professor Schafer recommended the use of atropine prior to the administration of a general anaesthetic, in cases where the action of the vagus nerve upon the heart is to be dreaded; and there is little doubt of the value of this precaution, which has no attendant disadvantages, in all such cases.

The change involved the omission of a small proportion of carbolic acid which had up till then been added to the original fluid as a further precaution against contamination.

The houses are principally of wood, and the streets are wide, as a precaution against the spreading of fire.

Baldassare Cossa, now as humble and resigned as he had before been energetic and tenacious, on his transference to the castle of Rudolfzell admitted the wrong which he had done by his flight, refused to bring forward anything in his defence, acquiesced entirely in the judgment of the council which he declared to be infallible, and finally, as an extreme precaution, ratified motu proprio the sentence of deposition, declaring that he freely and willingly renounced any rights which he might still have in the papacy.

As a precaution against espionage, navigation in the adjacent waters was very severely regulated, and an ever-widening region of the mainland (ultimately extending as far S.

It was one of the strongholds of Sextus Pompeius, and after defeating him Augustus made it into a colonia as a measure of precaution, expelling some of the older inhabitants.

This inquiry yielded (in 1867) the result 783, and this Joule himself was inclined to regard as more accurate than his old determination by the frictional method; the latter, however, was repeated with every precaution, and again indicated 772.55 foot-pounds as the quantity of work that must be expended at sea-level in the latitude of Greenwich in order to raise the temperature of one pound of water, weighed in vacuo, from 60 to 61° F.

Hence it is always a safe precaution to afford plenty of time for such settlement before a reservoir is charged with water.

In embracing him for the last time, she felt the cuirass he wore and exclaimed that such a precaution was unworthy of a man resolved to die.

Every precaution must be used to keep the air moist.


security, safeguard, security measures, measure, guard, step, backstop,


nonstandard, inactivity, refrain, ride, stay in place,

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