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polygonal Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

polygonal ka kya matlab hota hai



बहुभुज क्षेत्र संबंधी,

polygonal शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

लेज़र को एक घूमते हुए बहुभुजीय दर्पण पर लक्ष्यित किया जाता है, जो लेज़र किरण को लेंसों और दर्पणों के एक तंत्र से होकर एक फोटोरिसेप्टर की ओर भेजा जाता है।

हालांकि परिप्रेक्ष्य के अलावा इस खेल की विशेषताएं इसके पात्रों के लिए बहुभुज क्षेत्र संबंधी ग्राफिक सहित इसके मूल से काफी हद तक मिलती-जुलती हैं।

|bgcolor#e7dcc3|फलक|| n त्रिकोणीय,1 बहुभुजीय।

'स्तंभ या खंभा', किसी धरन, या सरदल को आलंब देनेवाला खड़ा अवयव है, जो तलचित्र (cross section) में वर्गाकार, आयताकार, वृत्ताकार, या बहुभुजी हो सकता है।

बहुभुजी आकार तरल पदार्थ के अंतरीय घूर्णन के माध्यम से प्रयोगशाला में दोहराया जा चुका है।

इसका नाम उस बहुभुजी राजगीरी से लिया गया है, जिससे इसका निर्माण हुआ है।

इनका आकार अतिसूक्ष्म तथा आकृति गोलाकार, अंडाकार, स्तंभाकार, रोमकयुक्त, कशाभिकायुक्त, बहुभुजीय आदि प्रकार की होती है।

polygonal's Usage Examples:

The arrangements of the stage and orchestra as we now see them belong to Roman times; the cavea or auditorium dates from the administration of the orator Lycurgus (337-323 B.C.), and nothing is left of the theatre in which the plays of Sophocles were acted save a few small remnants of polygonal masonry.

Of later date, perhaps, are the limestone polygonal retaining walls on the west front, which extended on either side of the early entrance.

In front of the reservoir is a small open space towards which several roads converge; close by is a triangular enclosure of polygonal masonry, in which were found various relics relating to the worship of Dionysus, a very ancient wine-press (Anvos) and the remains of a small temple.

Remains of primitive polygonal walls which undoubtedly surrounded the entire area have been found at various points a little within the circuit of the existing parapet.

These webs, which are typically subcircular in form, consist of a system of threads radiating from a common centre and crossed at intervals, and approximately at right angles, by a series of concentric lines, the whole being suspended in a triangular, quadrangular or polygonal framework formed of so-called foundation lines, attached to the branches or leaves of trees or other firm objects in the neighbourhood.

The chitinous layer is usually strengthened by thread like thickenings which, in the region close to the outer opening of the tube, form a network enclosing polygonal areas, but which, through most of the tracheal system, are arranged spirally, the strengthening thread not forming a continuous spiral, but being interrupted after a few turns around the tube.

An air-tube consists of an epithelium of large polygonal cells with a thin basement-membrane externally and y a chitinous layer internally, the lastnamed being continuous with the outer cuticle.

This may be rectangular in shape (" straight " shed), containing a series of parallel tracks on which the engines stand and which are reached by means of points and crossings diverging from a main track outside; or it may take a polygonal or circular form (round house or rotunda), the lines for the engines radiating from a turn-table which occupies the centre and can be rotated so as to serve any of the radiating lines.

They contain, however, a fragment of a separate tract on Polygonal Numbers.

The difference in form and content suggests that the Polygonal Numbers was not part of the larger work.

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