pollux Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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pollux शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
एलेसांड्रो निवोला - पोलक्स ट्रॉय।
कैस्टर और पोलक्स का नाम ग्रीक पौराणिक कथाओं से भाइयों की जोड़ी से आया है जो सिटी ऑफ ट्राय की विशेषता है।
आर्चर जानता है कि पोलक्स कैस्टर के बिना नहीं उड़ेगा, इसलिए वह जहाज को नीचे लाने के लिए पीछा करने हेतु एफबीआई टीम का नेतृत्व करता है, जो हैंगर में दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो जाता है।
पोलक्स को ऐरवॉन जेल में रखा जाता है, जो शीर्ष आतंकवादियों के लिए एक गुप्त जेल है।
pollux's Usage Examples:
Fabius Maximus Rullianus to commemorate the miraculous intervention of Castor and Pollux at the battle' of Lake Regillus.
But when the legend became common property, other and better-known heroes were added to their number - Orpheus, Castor and Polydeuces (Pollux), Zetes and Calais, the winged sons of Boreas, Meleager, Theseus, Heracles.
The first hint of the employment of the dog in the pursuit of other animals is given by Oppian in his Cynegetica, who attributes it to Pollux about zoo years after the promulgation of the Levitical law.
expressed it, "where a: Presbyterian and myself shall be like Castor and Pollux, the one up and the other down," and to which also a very meagre salary was attached.
Her worship was early transferred to Rome, localized by the Lacus Juturnae near the temple of Vesta, at which Castor and Pollux, after announcing the victory of lake Regillus, were said to have washed the sweat from their horses.
When the final work included extensive praise for the twin gods Castor and Pollux, Scopas complained.
After studying at Leipzig, he went to Amsterdam, where he edited Homer and the Onomasticon of Julius Pollux for Wetzstein the publisher.
For many centuries Egypt was famous as a wheat raiser; it was a cargo of wheat from Alexandria which St Paul helped to jettison on one of his shipwrecks, as was also, in all probability, that of the "ship of Alexandria whose sign was Castor and Pollux," named in the same narrative.
This is the system of the "Babylonian" talent, by Herodotus = 70 minae Euboic, by Pollux = 70 minae Attic, by Aelian = 72 minae Attic, and, therefore, about 470,000 grains.
Castor and Pollux), in astronomy, the third sign in the zodiac, denoted by the symbol II.
pollux's Meaning':
the brightest star in Gemini; close to Castor