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pleurisy Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

pleurisy ka kya matlab hota hai



फुस्फुस के आवरण में शोथ,

pleurisy शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

5. Pleurisy - प्लूरिसी (पसली का दर्द)।

इस झिल्ली में विकार उत्पन्न होने पर इसमें शोथ हो जाता है जिसे प्लूरिसी (pleurisy / फुप्फुसावरणशोथ) नामक रोग होना कहते हैं।

आंत्रिक ज्वर (एंटेरिक फ़ीवर), प्लूरिसी, अतिसार, ज्वर, आमाशय व्रण (पेप्टिक अल्सर) श्रमिकों की अल्पकालीन अनुपस्थिति के मुख्य कारण हैं।

दिसंबर 1927 में हार्डी को फुस्फुस के आवरण में शोथ का रोग हो गया और 11 जनवरी 1928 को रात के 9 बजे अपनी पत्नी को अपनी अंतिम कविता लिखवाने के बाद वह चल बसे; मृत्यु प्रमाण-पत्र में मृत्यु का कारण दिया गया, "ह्रदय की मूर्च्छा", "बुढ़ापा" एक अंशदायी कारक के रूप में उद्धृत था।

6. हल्की, आधी दबी हुई कष्टदायी खांसी: ऐसी खांसी शुष्क प्लूरिसी में होती है।

| प्लूरिसी || फेफड़े || जीवाणु || छाती में दर्द, बुखार, सांस लेने में परेशानी।

pleurisy's Usage Examples:

It might be mistaken for pleurisy or some inflammatory affection of the lungs; but the absence of any chest symptoms, its occurrence independently of the acts of respiration, and other considerations well establish the distinction.

Blue flag, snake root, ginseng, lobelia, tansy, wormwood, wintergreen, pleurisy root, plantain, burdock, sarsaparilla and horehound are among its medicinal plants.

tall, with a well-rounded, powerful figure; he inherited an excellent constitution from his parents - " I never knew," says he, " either my father or mother to have any sickness but that of which they dy'd, he at 89, and she at 85 years of age " - but injured it somewhat by excesses; in early life he had severe attacks of pleurisy, from one of which, in 1727, it was not expected that he would recover, and in his later years he was the victim of stone and gout.

Chest pain (pleuritis): Pleuritis, also called pleurisy, occurs in up to half of the affected individuals in certain ethnic groups.

Early in 814 he was attacked by a fever which he sought to subdue by fasting; but pleurisy supervened, and after partaking of the communion, he died on the 28th of January 814, and on the same day his body was buried in the church of St Mary at Aix.

I spent two months in a coma following an appendix operation and at the age of thirteen I contracted chronic pleurisy.

Such conditions as myalgia, bronchitis, "chronic rheumatism" and pleurisy are often relieved by its use.

A few of the medicinal plants are ginseng, pleurisy root, snake root, blood root, blue flag and marshmallow.

Believe me, Mr Story, you have not got pleurisy.

That evening he developed pleurisy and he died the day after his fiftieth birthday, 26 January, 1869.


purulent pleurisy, inflammatory disease, pleuropneumonia,

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