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playwright Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

playwright ka kya matlab hota hai



नाटक लिखनेवाला, नाटककार,

playwright शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

पाटन में सबसे बड़े कवि और नाटककार सिद्धिनरसिंह मल्ल (1620-1657) हुए।

अंकिया नाटककारों में शंकरदेव (1449-1558), माधवदेव और गोपालदेव के नाम उल्लेखनीय हैं।

शंकरदेव - भक्ति आन्दोलन के समय के असमिया भाषा के अत्यन्त प्रसिद्ध कवि, नाटककार तथा वैष्णव समाजसुधारक।

1922- वंस बॉर्जैली, अमेरिकी लेखक, उपन्यासकार, नाटककार, पत्रकार और निबंधकार।

कीर्तनिया नाटककारों को तीन कालों में विभक्त किया जा सकता हैं-1350-1700 तक, 1700-1900 तक और 1900-1950 तक।

नेपाली नाटककारों की कार्यभूमि मुख्यत: तीन स्थानों में रही- भक्तपुर, काठमांडू और पाटन।

झमेलिया बिआह : नाटककार- जगदीश प्रसाद मण्डल।

साहित्य अकादमी फ़ैलोशिप से सम्मानित‎ जयशंकर प्रसाद (३० जनवरी १८९० - १५ नवंबर १९३७), हिन्दी कवि, नाटककार, कहानीकार, उपन्यासकार तथा निबन्ध-लेखक थे।

स्वयंवर : नाटककार- जगदीश प्रसाद मण्डल।

इसके नाटककार महेन्द्र मलन्गिया जी हैं।

ज्योतिप्रसाद आगरवाला - असम के प्रथम फिल्म निर्माता, कवि, गीतकार और नाटककार

काठमांडू में सबसे प्रसिद्ध नाटककार वंशमणि झा हुए।

मुख्य नाटककार पाँच हुए- जगज्योतिर्मल्ल, जगत्प्रकाश मल्ल, जितामित्र मल्ल, भूपतींद्र मल्ल और रणजित मल्ल।

জজজ एक भाई ज्योतिरिंद्रनाथ, संगीतकार और नाटककार थे एवं इनकी बहिन स्वर्णकुमारी उपन्यासकार थीं।

पंचवटी एकांकी संचयन : नाटककार- जगदीश प्रसाद मण्डल।

दूसरे काल के मुख्य नाटककार हैं- लाल कवि, नंदीपति, गाकुलानंद, जयानंद कान्हाराम, रत्नपाणि, भानुनाथ और हर्षनाथ।

playwright's Usage Examples:

Gradually the Kabuki developed the features of a genuine theatre; the actor and the playwright were discriminated, and, the performances taking the form of domestic drama (Wagoto and Sewamono) or historical drama (Aragoto or Jidaimono), actors of perpetual fame sprang up, as Sakata TOjOrO and Ichikawa DanjinrO (1660-1704).

His touch is heavy, and these novels show no dramatic power, which accounts for his failure as a playwright, but their influence was as great as their followers were many, and they still find readers.

Our knowledge of the life of the celebrated Latin playwright, Publius Terentius Afer, is derived chiefly from a fragment of the lost work of Suetonius, De viris illustribus, preserved in the commentary of Donatus, who adds a few words of his own.

Eger was the birthplace of the novelist and playwright Braun von Braunthal (1802-1866).

Thomas Corneille himself, who to his undoubted talents united wonderful facility, untiring industry, and (gift valuable above all others to the playwright) an extraordinary knack of hitting the public fancy, died, notwithstanding his simple tastes, "as poor as Job."

The books were profusely illustrated with wood-cuts and chromoxylographs from pictures of the ukiyoe masters, who, like the playwright, the actor and the romancer, ministered to the pleasure of the man in the street.

A later playwright, James Hurdis, made More's career the subject of a play in 1792.

Her husband distinguished himself both as actor and playwright, and his Parisien (1682) gave Mme Guerin one of her greatest successes.

(Karel Capek, an acclaimed Czech playwright, coined the word to describe the mechanized workers in his play.)

Powerful as a comic playwright, he was not a poet in the proper sense of the term.


author, writer, dramatist,

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