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pindaris Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

pindaris ka kya matlab hota hai


पिंडारी गीत, गद्य, यूनानी कवि पिंडार का,

pindaris शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

गद्य में काव्य रचना करने के लिए कवि को छंद शास्त्र के नियमों से स्वच्छंदता प्राप्त होती है।

३.अवान्तर गद्योपनिषद्।

फिर वीरों अथवा विशिष्ट घटनाओं के संबंध में अनुश्रुति अथवा लेखक की पूछताछ से गद्य में रचना प्रारंभ हुई।

श्रव्य काव्य दो प्रकार का होता है, गद्य और पद्य।

१. गद्यात्मक उपनिषद्।

श्रव्यकाव्य में पद्य, गद्य और चम्पू काव्यों का समावेश किया जाता है।

इनका गद्य ब्राह्मणों के गद्य के समान सरल, लघुकाय तथा प्राचीन है।

गद्य काव्य के भी दो भेद किए गए हैं- कथा और आख्यायिका।

2- गद्य काव्य - इसमें किसी कथा का वर्णन गद्य में किया जाता है, जैसे जयशंकर की कमायनी ।

জজজ अरविन्द घोष ने 'आनन्दमठ' में वर्णित गीत 'वन्दे मातरम्' का अंग्रेजी गद्य और पद्य में अनुवाद किया।

जहाँ गद्य लिख गए हैं वे भी पद्यमय गद्य-रचनाओं में ऐसी शब्द-शक्ति, ध्वन्यात्मकता, लव एवं अर्थगर्भिता है कि वे किसी दैवी शक्ति की रचनाओं का आभास देते हैं।

महर्षि अरविन्द द्वारा किए गये अंग्रेजी गद्य-अनुवाद का हिन्दी-अनुवाद इस प्रकार है:।

लिखित इतिहास का आरंभ पद्य अथवा गद्य में वीरगाथा के रूप में हुआ।

pindaris's Usage Examples:

Though the great Mahratta chiefs were learning to live rather as peaceful princes than as leaders of predatory bands, the example of lawlessness they had set was being followed, and bettered in the following, by a new set of freebooters, known as the Pindaris.

The Pindaris had ceased to exist, and peace and security had been substituted for misery and terror.

In 1816, however, the Pindaris entered British territory in the Northern Circars, where they destroyed 339 villages.

When, however, in 1816 he was called upon to assist in the suppression of the Pindaris, though by the treaty of Gwalior (1817) he promised his co-operation, his conduct was so equivocal that in 1818 he was forced to sign a fresh treaty by which he ceded Ajmere and other lands.

The Pindaris themselves offered little opposition.

Sindhia was overawed and forced to sign the treaty of Gwalior, consenting to aid in the extirpation of the Pindaris, whom he had hitherto protected.

The Pindaris were surrounded on all sides by a great army, consisting of 120,000 men and 300 guns, which converged upon them from Bengal, the Deccan and Gujarat under the supreme command of Lord Hastings in person.

The majority of them seem to have been Mahommedans: when the regular forces of the Mahrattas had been broken up in the campaigns conducted by Sir Arthur Wellesley and Lord Lake in 1802-04, the Pindaris made their headquarters in Malwa, under the tacit protection of Sindhia and Holkar.

PINDARIS, a word of uncertain origin, applied to the irregular horsemen who accompanied the Mahratta armies in India during the r8th century when the Mughal Empire was breaking up; loosely organized under self-chosen leaders, each band was usually attached to one or other of the great Mahratta chieftains.

The Pindaris were put down, Amir Khan submitting and signing a treaty which constituted him the first ruler of the existing state of Tonk.

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