picariae Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
picariae ka kya matlab hota hai
कुछ वर्गीकरणों में इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द लगभग ऑर्डर कोरसिकिफॉर्म के बराबर होता है
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picariae शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
पिपरिया से टैक्सी भी उपलब्ध रहती हैं।
करबी तहसील के कल्याणपुर ग्राम में मानिकपुर के निकट सारहट के जंगल और कठौता में शाहगढ़ और देवरा के निकट (बिजावर) पिपरियां में फतहपुर (हता-दमोह) में ऐसी लाल रंग की चित्रकारी बहुत है।
पंचमढ़ी के लिए भोपाल, इंदौर, नागपुर, होशंगाबाद, छिंदवाड़ा, जुन्नारदेव और पिपरिया से नियमित बस सेवाएं हैं।
रेल: मुंबई-हावड़ा रेलमार्ग पर इटारसी व जबलपुर के बीच पिपरिया स्टेशन सबसे पास है।
पचमढ़ी पिपरिया तहसील में पिपरिया-पचमढ़ी मार्ग पर तहसील मुख्यालय से ५४ किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है।
शासकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय, पिपरिया।
सड़क: पचमढ़ी भोपाल, इंदौर, नागपुर, होशंगाबाद, छिंदवाड़ा तथा पिपरिया से सीधा जुड़ा है।
केवल जबलपुर जिसमें प्राय: ५० गाँव पिपरिया, पिपरहटा नाम के हैं।
47 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित पिपरिया निकटतम रेलवे स्टेशन है।
मध्य रेलवे की इटारसी-जबलपुर शाखा पर स्थित पिपरिया रेलवे स्टेशन ।
राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ और आज़ाद गोमान्तक दल के स्वयंसेवकों ने मौका देखते ही सिलवासा की परिधि में स्थित पिपरिया पर कब्जा जमा लिया।
पिपरिया मुम्बई-हावड़ा मार्ग पर स्थित है।
शासकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय, पिपरिया।
picariae's Usage Examples:
Some of them are called "humming-birds" by Anglo-Indians and colonists, but with that group, which, as before indicated (see Humming-Bird), belongs to the Picariae, the sun-birds, being true Passeres, have nothing to do.
At the same time Muller showed himself, his power of discrimination notwithstanding, to fall behind Nitzsch in one very crucial point, for he refused to the latter's Picariae the rank that had been claimed for them, and imagined that the groups associated under that name formed but a third " tribe" - Picarii - of a great order Insessores, the others being (1) the Oscines or Polymyodi - the singing birds by emphasis, whose inferior larynx was endowed with the full number of five pairs of song-muscles, and (2) the Tracheophones, composed of some South-American families.
pp. 422 and 589)., though apparently unnatural, has been corroborated by many later systematisers; and taken as a whole the establishment of the Picariae was certainly a commendable proceeding.
Next he places the parrots (q.v.), and then the vast assemblage of " Passereaux "- which he declares to be all of one type, even genera like Pipra (manakin, q.v.) and Pitta - and concludes with the somewhat heterogeneous conglomeration of forms, beginning with Cypselus (swift, q.v.), that so many systematists have been accustomed to call Picariae, though to them as a group he assigns no name.
It included all Picariae which had not " zygodactylous " feet, that is to say, toes placed in pairs, two before and two behind.
Clamatores, being a majority of that division of the Picariae of Nitzsch, so called by Andreas Wagner, in 1841, 1 which have their feet normally constructed; 3.
Nothing whatever is to be said against the composition of his first and second " tribes"; but the third is an assemblage still more heterogeneous than that which Nitzsch brought together under a name so like that of Muller - for the fact must never be allowed to go out of sight that the extent of the Picarii of the latter is not at all that of the Picariae of the former.'
Then a new order " Picariae " is instituted for the reception of the Macrochires, Cuculinae, Picinae Psittacinae and Amphibolae of his old arrangement, to which are added three 3 others - Caprimulginae, Todidae and Lipoglossae - the last consisting of the genera Buceros, Upupa and Alcedo.
It is not only a key to much of his later work - to nearly all indeed that was published in his lifetime - but in it are founded several definite groups (for example, Passerinae and Picariae) that subsequent experience has shown to be more or less natural; and it further serves as additional evidence of the breadth of his views, and his trust in the teachings of anatomy.
picariae's Meaning':
term used in some classifications as nearly equivalent to the order Coraciiformes