physiologists Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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शरीर-क्रिया विज्ञानी,
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physiologists शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
19वीं शताब्दी में ब्रिटिश शरीर-क्रिया विज्ञानी सिडनी रिंगर ने सोडियम, पोटेशियम, मैग्नीशियम और कैल्शियम के क्लोराइड युक्त नमक का घोल विकसित किया जो किसी पशु के अलग किये गए ह्रदय की धड़कन को बनाए रखने के लिए उपयुक्त था।
1942 में, स्वतंत्र रूप से कार्यरत अमेरिकी शरीर-क्रिया विज्ञानी अल्बर्ट हेमैन ने खुद ही एक इलेक्ट्रो-मेकेनिकल उपकरण की खोज की, जो एक हस्त-चालित मोटर स्प्रिंग-वुंड से संचालित होता था।
physiologists's Usage Examples:
It is at best an unfruitful assumption; and the tendency of students of sociology is to treat discussions as to sovereignty much as modern physiologists treat discussions as to "vital force" or "vital principle."
And on the influence of these inconspicuous bodies and of the pituitary body in sustaining arterial blood pressures physiologists have thrown some important light.
From the new regard given by physiologists and pathologists to the study of origins, and in the new hopes of thus dealing with disease at its springs, not in individuals only but in cities and nations, issued the great school of Preventive Medicine, initiated in England - E.
This instrument, now indispensable in our daily work at the bedside, had indeed long been known both to physiologists (Haller) and to clinicians.
In Italy the tradition of the great anatomists and physiologists of the 17th century produced a series of accurate observers and practitioners.
It turns in part, but in part only, upon the laws regulating the effusion of lymph, and physiologists are by no means at one in their conclusions on this subject.
His true greatness can only be estimated by a consideration of the fact that he was a great teacher not only of human and comparative anatomy and zoology but also of physiology, and that nearly all the most distinguished German zoologists and physiologists of the period 1850 to 1870 were his pupils and acknowledged his leadership. The most striking feature about Johann Miller's work, apart from the comprehensiveness of his point of view, in which he added to the anatomical and morphological ideas of Cuvier a consideration of physiology, embryology and microscopic structure, was the extraordinary accuracy, facility and completeness of his recorded observations.
In the present state of knowledge, however, this can only be done in a very meagre fashion; as the effect of habitat factors on plants is but little understood as yet either by physiologists or ecologists.
Obviously no more than this is possible until physiologists are able to state much more precisely than at present what is the influence of common salt on the plants of salt-marshes, of the action of calcium carbonate on plants of calcareous soils, and of the action of humous compounds on plants of fens and peat moors.
It is only comparatively recently that the methods of histological investigation used by animal physiologists have been carefully and systematically applied to the study of the vegetable organisms. They have, however, been attended with wonderful results, and have revolutionized the whole study of vegetable structure.
biologist, life scientist,