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peru Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

peru ka kya matlab hota hai


peru शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यह संस्कृति वर्तमान में पेरू के प्रशांत तट पर समृद्ध थी और प्रारंभिक पूर्व-इंका सभ्यता के लिये एक आदर्श थी।

साहित्य- मारियो वर्गास लियोसा (पेरू के साहित्यकार) को।

पेरू की भाषा स्पेनिश और क्वेशुका हैं तथा ९० प्रतिशत लोग ईसाई धर्म का पालन करते हैं।

पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में, तियाआआआनाको समाज, बोलिविया और पेरू दोनों में टिटिकाका झील के नजदीक, और वर्तमान दिन अयाकुचो शहर के पास वारी संस्कृति ने 500 से 1000 ईस्वी के बीच विशाल शहरी गांवों और व्यापक राष्ट्र स्थापित किया।

१६वीं शताब्दि में उत्तराधिकार को लेकर दो भाइयों अताहुल्पा और हूस्कर के बीच गृहयुद्ध छिड़ गया और उसी समय 1530 के दशक में पेरू के तट पर स्पेनिश विजयविदो को आगमन हुआ।

इन घटनाओं के बाद पुरातत्व सभ्यताओं ने इनका अनुशरण करते हुए पूरे पेरू में एंडियन और तटीय इलाकों में विकसित हुए।


बिहार की बाकी व्यंजनों में दालपूरी, खाजा, मखाना खीर, पेरूकिया, खजुरी, बैगन का भरता आदि शामिल है।

पेरू में प्रान्त सरकार की क्षेत्रीय इकाइयाँ होती हैं, देश पच्चीस क्षेत्रों में बँटा है जो कि 194 प्रान्तों में प्रविभाजित हैं।

वैद्यनाथ मन्दिर, देवघर पेरू दक्षिणी अमरीका महाद्वीप में स्थित एक देश है।

पेरू में मानव उपस्थिति के साक्ष्य 9,000 ईसा पूर्व तक के देखे गये है।

peru's Usage Examples:

From this port foreign merchandise found its way duty free into the Spanish provinces of Buenos Aires, Tucuman and Paraguay, and even into the interior of Peru.

The Andine sub-region extends from Peru to the Argentine and follows roughly the watershed of the Amazon.

The question as to whether copper really was first used in Egypt is not yet resolved, and many arguments can be brought against the theory of Egyptian origin and in favour of one in Syria or further north.26 Egypt has also recently been credited with being the inceptor of the whole " megalithic (or heliolithic, as the fashionable word now is) culture " of mankind, from Britain to China and (literally) Peru or at any rate Mexico via the Pacific Isles.27 The theory is that the achievements of the Egyptians in great stone architecture at the time of the pyramid-builders so impressed their contemporaries that they were imitated in the surrounding lands, by the Libyans and Syrians, that the fame of them was carried by the Phoenicians further afield, and that early Arab and Indian traders passed on the megalithic idea to Farther India, and thence to Polynesia and so on so that both the teocalli of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge are ultimately derived through cromlechs and dolmens innumerable from the stone pyramid of Saqqara, built by Imhotep, the architect of King Zoser, about 3100 B.C. (afterwards deified as the patron of science and architecture).

He soon, however, appears to have abandoned his possessions, which were afterwards for many years only visited occasionally by fishermen from the coasts of Chile and Peru.

Sulphur is worked in Chile and Peru.

In 1553 an expedition from Peru made their way through the mountain region and founded the city of Santiago del Estero, that of Tucuman in 1565, and that of Cordoba in 1573.

At the same time all this country was opened to Spanish trade even with Peru, and the development of its resources, so long thwarted, was allowed comparatively free play.

for means to open up communications with Peru by way of the river Bermejo.

To prevent internal trade with Peru a custom-house was set up at Cordoba to levy a duty of 50% on everything in transit to and from the river Plate.

by Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.


Peruvian, Huainaputina, OAS, El Misti, Huascaran, Coropuna, Machu Picchu, Lima, Arequipa, Amazon, Organization of American States, South America, Yerupaja, Andes, Republic of Peru, capital of Peru, Amazon River,

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