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persons Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

persons ka kya matlab hota hai


persons शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यूनिकोड कन्सॉर्शियम में सदस्यता, विश्व में कहीं भी स्थित उन संगठनों और व्यक्तियों के लिए खुली है जो यूनिकोड का समर्थन करते हैं और जो इसके विस्तार और कार्यान्वयन में सहायता करना चाहते हैं।

पैसों के बारे में महान व्यक्तियों के विचार।

इसके सिवा अब व्यक्तियों में सीमित न रखकर जनता तथा उसके संबंध का ज्ञान प्राप्त करने की ओर अधिक रुचि हो गई है।

यहाँ इन्हें ब्रिटिश व्यक्तियों की भाँति समान अधिकार एवं सुविधाएं प्राप्त होती रहीं।

गूगल परियोजना नृत्य भी मानवीय अभिव्यक्तियों का एक रसमय प्रदर्शन है।

पृथ्वी पर महान व्यक्तियों के विचार।

इतिहास के अध्ययन से मानव समाज के विविध क्षेत्रों का जो व्यावहारिक ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है उससे मनुष्य की परिस्थितियों को आँकने, व्यक्तियों के भावों और विचारों तथा जनसमूह की प्रवृत्तियों आदि को समझने के लिए बड़ी सुविधा और अच्छी खासी कसौटी मिल जाती है।


एक लाइन नृत्य लोगों के एक समूह के व्यक्तियों के लिंग के संबंध के बिना एक या एक से अधिक लाइनों या पंक्तियों में नृत्य जिसमें कदम की एक दोहराया अनुक्रम के साथ एक नृत्य नृत्य है, सभी एक ही दिशा का सामना करना पड़ और एक ही समय में कदम क्रियान्वित करने।

यही कारण है कि संसार के भिन्न-भिन्न व्यक्तियों ने समय-समय पर अपने-अपने अनुभवों एवं परिस्थितियों के अनुसार भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के जीवन-दर्शन को अपनाया।

भारत औपनिवेशिक देशों को स्वतन्त्रता दिये जाने के सम्बन्ध में संयुक्त राष्ट्र की ऐतिहासिक घोषणा 1960 का सह-प्रायोजक था जो उपनिवेशवाद के सभी रूपों और अभिव्यक्तियों को बिना शर्त समाप्त किए जाने की आवश्यकता की घोषणा करती है।

इसके अलावा उन्होंने लगभग हर रोज व्यक्तियों और समाचार पत्रों को पत्र लिखा।

गार्डनर मर्फी के अनुसार, मनोविज्ञान वह विज्ञान है, जो जीवित व्यक्तियों का उनके वातावरण के प्रति अनुक्रियाओं का अध्ययन करता है।

दस लाख से कम व्यक्तियों द्वारा बोली जाने वाली भाषाएँ ।

persons's Usage Examples:

Do not all persons live eighty years--yes, many times eighty years?

Flax, Hemp, Jute, 'c.The preparation and spinning of these materials and the manufacture of nets and rope, together with the weaving of linen and other fabrics, give occupation to 112,000 persons chiefly in the departments of Nord (Lille, Armentires, Dunkirk), Somme (Amiens) and Maine-et-Loire (Angers, Cholet).

The mayor of the palace, however, did not remain restricted to domestic functions; he had the discipline of the palace and tried persons who resided there.

I was sure his goal was to eliminate the person or persons tracking him; the tipster.

Anna Pavlovna gave him her shriveled hand to kiss and introduced him to several persons whom he did not know, giving him a whispered description of each.

By a happy lot, all persons travel to an end free of toil.

Our success with missing persons continued to grow.

Surely second thoughts didn't come abruptly in the middle of a peaceful ride, or tie a persons' insides in knots.

Machines are not persons and so cannot have personalities.

When mushrooms are gathered for sale by persons unacquainted with the different species mistakes are of frequent occurrence.


changer, debaser, personage, toreador, scratcher, extrovert, case, creature, differentiator, degrader, squinter, neutral, ladino, killer, thin person, sprawler, unperson, nonmember, chutzpanik, straight person, explorer, deceased, sleepyhead, personality, smiler, right-hander, Libra, stifler, gatherer, applicant, simpleton, nude person, loved one, owner, extravert, stigmatic, mesomorph, agnostic, juvenile person, boomer, hugger, mollycoddler, convert, Bull, baldy, slayer, knocker, carrottop, recoverer, Taurus, jewel, pamperer, nonreligious person, technologist, prospect, enrollee, adjudicator, dresser, musclebuilder, charmer, anti-American, wiggler, color-blind person, small person, Amerindian, outcaste, romanticist, scrapper, comforter, literate person, immune, objector, common man, seeker, junior, driveller, dribbler, dead soul, lightning rod, figure, grinner, sex object, insured person, nonsmoker, assimilator, chameleon, unusual person, simple, bad guy, planner, seeder, mestizo, individual, trier, entertainer, warrior, primitive, yawner, religious person, anatomy, wriggler, freewheeler, people, worker, blond, opener, causal agency, right hander, effector, winker, philosopher, dissenter, wealthy person, kneeler, weakling, abator, undoer, Gemini, gay, bomber, victim, needer, Lion, abomination, substance abuser, soul, nondescript, nonpartisan, divider, termer, pardoner, spoiler, nondrinker, grunter, indigen, leader, showman, maimer, guinea pig, lefty, bluecoat, slipper, waiter, appointee, ejector, engineer, Goat, bereaved person, emulator, intellect, Scorpio, turner, counter, aper, buster, bedfellow, traveler, baldpate, righthander, registrant, look-alike, relative, pussycat, ostrich, radical, snuffler, man jack, inexperienced person, image, redhead, player, antagonist, birth, Victorian, Balance, opposer, tempter, deliverer, tagger, active, survivalist, being, spitter, defecator, visionary, eristic, Native American, unfortunate person, fleer, opponent, third-rater, romper, rescuer, decedent, blackamoor, admirer, jumper, acquaintance, expectorator, child, Cancer, optimist, individualist, controversialist, flesh, appointment, arrogator, skin and bones, miracle man, toucher, granter, doormat, beholder, spouse equivalent, user, Caucasian, scientist, Virgin, ectomorph, acquirer, juvenile, traveller, nonparticipant, celebrant, female, experimenter, censor, scrag, excuser, mortal, forgiver, voider, best, protester, faller, muscle-builder, good guy, tapper, selector, waker, Twin, causal agent, Water Bearer, sex symbol, shitter, perspirer, passer, repeater, Latin, manipulator, proponent, closer, chooser, communicator, tyrant, commoner, deceased person, brunet, nonpartizan, greeter, have, pisser, combatant, complexifier, unfastener, essayer, equal, brunette, dupe, Negro, sentimentalist, riser, perceiver, forerunner, noncompliant, nonresident, laugher, ward, gainer, White person, personification, sphinx, form, polyglot, domestic partner, blonde, transferee, Ram, surrenderer, assessee, bodybuilder, signatory, lover, unraveler, weight gainer, Slav, Capricorn, rectifier, middlebrow, threat, frame, scourge, neighbour, African, deaf person, testate, spurner, faddist, clumsy person, resister, Elizabethan, attempter, sloucher, celebrator, heterosexual, relation, denizen, homosexual, balker, chassis, mover and shaker, interpreter, actor, demander, learner, sniveler, venturer, rusher, celebrater, heterosexual person, double, bod, stigmatist, spousal equivalent, preserver, runaway, disputant, social dancer, slider, aggregator, mediocrity, life, hater, picker, Scorpion, knower, collector, sport, saver, squirmer, drooler, cause, gambler, mixed-blood, Hebrew, misogamist, dweller, skidder, quester, Black person, build, shape, enjoyer, socializer, blogger, insured, advisee, gatekeeper, untier, wight, measurer, unfortunate, copycat, introvert, sort, female person, cripple, percipient, yielder, nurser, apprehender, stooper, six-footer, large person, neighbor, yearner, ancient, good person, adventurer, archaist, baby, capturer, bad person, male person, imitator, common person, public relations person, unwelcome person, slave, pansexual, doubter, abjurer, muscleman, dieter, free spirit, controller, soma, indweller, asthmatic, money handler, baldhead, effecter, person of color, percher, departed, masturbator, weasel, restrainer, thrower, walk-in, amateur, creeper, slobberer, hoper, redheader, partner, adversary, squint-eye, contemplative, subject, abstainer, Aquarius, creditor, Virgo, longer, Leo, mother hen, struggler, drug user, transsexual, success, unraveller, dead person, debtor, party, someone, doer, aborigine, Aries, innocent, money dealer, man, red-header, anomaly, autodidact, supernumerary, abstinent, battler, suspect, left-hander, witness, testator, native, revenant, homo, transvestite, cashier, emotional person, survivor, sensualist, person of colour, homunculus, shaker, wuss, bullfighter, deviser, authority, creator, compulsive, snuffer, transfer, ape, male, Black, possessor, baulker, cross-dresser, cloud seeder, national, scholar, searcher, swayer, precursor, totemist, outdoorsman, rich person, posturer, succeeder, liver, urinator, namer, friend, mouse, observer, contriver, loose cannon, ethnic, sniffer, disentangler, allayer, huddler, fiduciary, machine, Fish, guesser, Crab, Negroid, miracle worker, aboriginal, hope, somebody, linguist, wanter, anti, counterterrorist, vanisher, dancer, tiger, groaner, smotherer, delayer, onanist, achiever, inhabitant, nonworker, follower, winner, thirster, self, bather, compeer, ruler, coddler, advocate, rester, face, quitter, dyslectic, biter, applier, gentile, modern, transexual, orphan, segregate, married, appreciator, baby boomer, Archer, reliever, primitive person, nonperson, kink, exponent, monolingual, signer, free agent, applied scientist, discriminator, gem, modifier, belligerent, watcher, realist, fugitive, terror, visually impaired person, captor, adoptee, Jew, withholder, socialiser, bereaved, southpaw, roundhead, endomorph, sniffler, powderer, habitant, smasher, homophile, organism, material body, Sagittarius, malcontent, crawler, intellectual, White, propositus, Jat, candidate, topper, affiant, worldling, mangler, first-rater, fastener, fighter, grownup, pursuer, ouster, advocator, saluter, literate, baby buster, sweater, Pisces, computer user, Israelite, beard, beguiler, mutilator, stranger, sounding board, capitalist, straight, unskilled person, peer, handicapped person, adult, physique, occultist, mailer, human body, neglecter, persona non grata, expert, match, contestant, muscle builder, significant other, sneezer, indigene, debitor, second-rater, quarter, welcomer, coward, dissident, physical body, nude, namesake,


smoker, follower, drinker, liberator, extrovert, granter, resident, unemotional person, withholder, bad guy, stranger, member, nonreligious person, good person, leader, partisan, creditor, pessimist, religious person, agonist, bad person, juvenile, loser, female, adult, worker, debtor, male, acquaintance, good guy, introvert, fat person,

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