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performers Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

performers ka kya matlab hota hai



अभिनय करनेवाला, साधक, निर्वाहक, अदाकार, अभिनेता,

performers शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

( अल्पबुद्धि साधक मंत्रयोग से सेवा करता है अर्थात मंत्रयोग उन साधकों के लिए है जो अल्पबुद्धि है।

জজজ वे भारतीय सामासिक संस्कृति के अनन्य आराधक तथा सभी संप्रदायों के प्रति समादर भाव के सत्यनिष्ठ साधक थे।

योग की उच्चावस्था समाधि, मोक्ष, कैवल्य आदि तक पहुँचने के लिए अनेकों साधकों ने जो साधन अपनाये उन्हीं साधनों का वर्णन योग ग्रन्थों में समय समय पर मिलता रहा।

मंत्र में साधक जप का प्रयोग करता है मंत्र जप में तीन घटकों का काफी महत्व है वे घटक-उच्चारण, लय व ताल हैं।

भावना करें कि साधक की प्रार्थना के अनुरूप माँ गायत्री की शक्ति वहाँ अवतरित हो, स्थापित हो रही है।

रुद्राष्टाध्याई के पांचवी अध्याय में भगवान शिव के अनेक रूप वर्णित है रूद्र देवता को स्थावर जंगम सर्व पदार्थ रूप सर्व जाति मनुष्य देव पशु वनस्पति रूप मानकर के सराव अंतर्यामी भाव एवं सर्वोत्तम भाव सिद्ध किया गया है इस भाव से ज्ञात होकर साधक अद्वैत निष्ठ बनता है।

साधक के चित्त् में जब चलते, बैठते, सोते और भोजन करते समय हर समय ब्रह्म का ध्यान रहे इसी को लययोग कहते हैं।

योग सेवन्ते साधकाधमाः।

ग़ज़ल को यह रूप देने में सूफ़ी साधकों की निर्णायक भूमिका रही।

ना दुनिया भर में कुछ ही राष्ट्रीय भाषाओं के इस्तेमाल होने से, ना संप्रेषण तकनीकों में प्रगति से, ना ही भाषा सिखाने के नए तौर-तरीक़ों से, यह निम्नलिखित मूल यथार्त हो पायेंगे जिन्हें हम सच्ची और साधक भाषा प्रणाली के लिए अनिवार्य मानते हैं।

चीन की चिढ़ और भारत दृढ़, पड़ोसियों को साधकर ड्रैगन को घेरने की कोशिश (जागरण)।

इन साधनों का उपयोग करके साधक के क्लेशों का नाश होता है, चित्त प्रसन्न होकर ज्ञान का प्रकाश फैलता है और विवेक ख्याति प्राप्त होती है।

performers's Usage Examples:

In regard to mares it has very frequently turned out that animals which were brilliant public performers have been far less successful as dams than others which were comparatively valueless as runners.

On the principle that as a rule like begets like, it has been the practice to select as sires the best public performers on the turf, and of two horses of like blood it is sound sense to choose the better as against the inferior public performer.

The works of these writers, which Plato admired and imitated, are lost, but it is believed that they were little plays, usually with only two performers.

Terminating as it usually does with the feeding and feeing of a greater or less number of Brahmans and the feasting of members of the performers' own caste, the Sraddha, especially its first performance, is often a matter of very considerable expense; and more than ordinary benefit to the deceased is supposed to accrue from it when it takes place at a spot of recognized sanctity, such as one of the great places of pilgrimage like Prayaga (Allahabad, where the three sacred rivers, Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati, meet), Mathura, and especially Gaya and Kasi (Benares).

The subdivision of a poem like the Iliad or Odyssey among different and necessarily unequal performers must have been injurious to the effect.

He flourished about 625 B.C. Several of the ancients ascribe to him the invention of the dithyramb and of dithyrambic poetry; it is probable, however, that his real service was confined to the organization of that verse, and the conversion of it from a mere drunken song, used in the Dionysiac revels, to a measured antistrophic hymn, sung by a trained body of performers.

This silly libel so enraged the performers at the Opera that they hanged and burned with him, the Dijon academy, which had founded his fame, announced the subject of "The Origin of Inequality," on which he wrote a discourse which was unsuccessful, but at least equal to the former in merit.

The laws were publicly promulgated or rehearsed; there were councils to deal with disputes and matters of local interest; popular sports such as horse-racing, running and wrestling were held; poems and tales were recited, and prizes were awarded to the best performers of every dan or art; while at the same time foreign traders came with their wares, which they exchanged for native produce, chiefly skins, wool and frieze.

Costumes of the utmost magnificence were worn, and the chiselling of masks for the use of the performers occupied scores of artists and ranked as a high glyptic accomplishment.

A rare chance to see these world renowned performers in Lincoln.


snake charmer, thespian, fire walker, artiste, baton twirler, illusionist, magician, fire-swallower, star, player, ventriloquist, headliner, strongman, sightreader, ecdysiast, entertainer, twirler, puppeteer, striptease artist, Savoyard, cowboy, vaudevillian, geek, stripteaser, instrumentalist, stripper, second banana, straight man, monologist, comic, role player, fire-eater, conjuror, conjurer, histrion, exotic dancer, rodeo rider, dancer, professional dancer, peeler, executant, prestidigitator, comedian, performing artist, terpsichorean, actor, minstrel, juggler, striptease, musician,


lack, minor, humorless, nonworker,

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