pectoral Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
pectoral ka kya matlab hota hai
छाती के तोगों के लिये द्रव्य, छाती पर का कवच,
निजी, छाती-संबंधी, वक्ष-भाग-संबंधी,
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pectoral's Usage Examples:
The abbess is solemnly admitted to her office by episcopal benediction, together with the conferring of a staff and pectoral cross, and holds for life, though liable to be deprived for misconduct.
The use of the mitre, pastoral staff and pectoral cross, which had fallen into complete disuse by the end of the 18th century, has been now very commonly, though not universally, revived; and, in some cases, the interpretation put upon the "Ornaments rubric" by the modern High Church school has led to a more complete revival of the pre-Reformation vestments.
If the view that the sole is protected by the blackness of the pectoral fin resembling the blackness of the dorsal fin of the weever, be correct, these fishes furnish an instance of Batesian mimicry.
The insignia (pontificalia or pontificals) of the Roman Catholic bishop are (I) a ring with a jewel, symbolizing fidelity to the church, (2) the pastoral staff, (3) the pectoral cross, (4) the vestments, consisting of the caligae, stockings and sandals, the tunicle, and purple gloves, (5) the mitre, symbol of the royal priesthood, (6) the throne (cathedra), surmounted by a baldachin or canopy, on the gospel side of the choir in the cathedral church.
In Prussia the superintendents now wear pectoral crosses (instituted by the emperor William II.).
The Trigla polyommata, or flying garnet, is a greater beauty, with its body of crimson and silver, and its large pectoral fins, spread like wings, of a rich green, bordered with purple, and relieved by a black and white spot.
Gill, "On the Derivation of the Pectoral Member in Terrestrial Vertebrates," Rep. Brit.
priests' pectoral; Lagrange, op. cit., 236, n.
The propatagialis longus muscle is composed of slips from the deltoid, pectoral, biceps and cucullaris muscles.
A black spot above the base of the pectoral fin is another distinguishing mark.
pectus, pectoralis minor, musculus pectoralis major, pecs, chest, striated muscle, musculus pectoralis minor, thorax, greater pectoral muscle, pectoral muscle, musculus pectoralis, pectoralis, pectoralis major, smaller pectoral muscle, skeletal muscle,
extensor, flexor,