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parity Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

parity ka kya matlab hota hai



सानुकूल्य, मेल, मूल्यों का अनुपात, अनुरूपता, समानता,

parity शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

सर्वप्रथम ‘संगीतरत्नाकर’ ग्रन्थ में गायन, वादन और नृत्य के मेल को ही ‘संगीत’ कहा गया है।

केरल में अनेक उत्सव मनाये जाते हैं जो सामाजिक मेल-मिलाप और आदान-प्रदान की दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण हैं।

भारत के विभिन्न मत और इस्लाम के मेल ने कई नए मतों का विकास किया, जो भारत की विभिन्न जातियों के बीच साधारण सहमति प्रस्थापित करना चाहते थे।

(५) मेगास्थनीज और कौटिल्य के कई विवरणों में मेल नहीं खाता।

देवनागरी से रोमन लिपि में लिप्यन्तरण के लिए दो पद्धतियाँ अधिक प्रचलित हैं : IAST और ITRANS. शून्य, एक या अधिक व्यंजनों और एक स्वर के मेल से एक अक्षर बनता है।

(1901 से 1927 तक मेलबर्न, सरकार का अस्थायी सीट था जबकि केनबर्रा निर्माणाधीन था।

জজজ शून्य या एक या अधिक व्यंजनों और एक स्वर के मेल से एक अक्षर बनता है।

छद्मइतिहास उन लेखों/रचनाओं के लिये प्रयुक्त किया जाता है जिनकी सामग्री की प्रकृति 'इतिहास जैसी' होती है किन्तु वे इतिहास-लेखन की मानक विधियों से मेल नहीं खाती।

डॉ॰ बेनी प्रसाद के अनुसार 'अर्थशास्त्र' में जिस आकार या स्वरूप के राज्य का जिक्र किया गया है, निःसन्देह वह मौर्य, कलिंग या आंध्र साम्राज्य के आधार से मेल नहीं खाता है।

जनसंख्या 21.7मिलियन (दस लाख) से थोडा ही ऊपर है, साथ ही लगभग 60% जनसंख्या मुख्य राज्यों सिडनी, मेलबर्न, ब्रिस्बेन, पर्थ और एडिलेड में केन्द्रित है।

parity's Usage Examples:

It is consistent with this view to argue the absolute parity of ministers and elders, conceding to all presbyters" equal right to teach, to rule, to administer the sacraments, to take part in the ordination of ministers, and to preside in church courts."The practice of the Presbyterian churches of the present day is in accord with the first-named theory.

17 The principle of ministerial parity which is fundamental in Presbyterianism is founded not merely on apostolic example but on the words of Christ Himself:" Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

baptist, who was the forerunner of our Lord Jesus in accordance with the law of parity; 2 and as the Lord had twelve Apostles, bearing the number of the twelve solar months, so had he thirty leading men, making up the monthly tale of the moon.

Axioms, on the other hand, in which the sciences interconnect" through the employment of them in a parity of relation, seem to be implicit indeed in the psychological mechanism, but to come to a kind of explicitness in the first reflective reaction upon it, and without reference to any particular content of it.

In 1572 a formal manifesto was published, entitled an Admonition to Parliament, the leading ideas in which were: parity of ministers, appointment of elders and deacons; election of ministers by the congregation; objection to prescribed prayer and antiphonal chanting; preaching, the chief duty of a minister; and the power of the magistrates to root out superstition and idolatry.

Spottiswoode had originally become prominent as an ardent supporter of the strict Presbyterian party, but gradually came to see the inconveniences of "parity in the Church," attributed little importance to the existing matters of dispute, and thought that the interests of both church and state were best secured by keeping on good terms with the king.

In this irreversible catena proceeding from ground to consequent, we have left far behind such things as the formal parity of genus and differentia considered as falling under the same predicable, 3 and hence justified in part Porphyry's divergence from the scheme of predicables.

The thin-walled eggs are often termed "summer-eggs," the fertilized ones "winter" or "ephippial" eggs (by parity with the phyllopod Entomostraca, q.v.).

The parity thus working out at;102.60, gold continued to be held away from the treasury, and in 1909 the government decided to accept the Turkish pound at the last named rate.

In doing so they carried out with great exactitude the principle of dualism, establishing in form a complete parity between Hungary on one side and the other territories of the king on the other.


conservation of parity, conservation, mirror symmetry, space-reflection symmetry,


even, uneven, irregularity, unevenness, variability,

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