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pardons Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

pardons ka kya matlab hota hai



जीवदान, जानबख़्शी, क्षमादान, माफ़ी, क्षमा,


क्षमा लेना, क्षमा देना, माफ़ देना, क्षमा करना, माफ़ करना,

pardons's Usage Examples:

The general supervision and control of all these institutions is vested in the Board of Charities and Reform, consisting of the governor, the secretary of state, the treasurer, the auditor, and the superintendent of public instruction; the same officers also constitute the Board of Pardons.

He obtained sole command of the imperial armies, with the power of concluding treaties and of granting pardons, and he doubtless insisted on the withdrawal of the Edict of Restitution, although this is not absolutely certain; in brief, the only limits to his power were the limits to the strength of his army.

Christians ought to be taught that he who gives to a poor man or lends to the needy does better than if he bought pardons.

Convicts other than those for life are sentenced to the penitentiary for a maximum and a minimum term, and when one has served his minimum term the governor, under rules prescribed by the Board of Pardons, may release him on parole, but he may be returned to prison at any time upon the request of the Board of Pardons.

Yet even the most defective poems commonly have, at least, a single verse, expressing some profound thought or tender shade of feeling, for which the sympathetic reader willingly pardons artistic imperfections in the rest.

He grants pardons and reprieves on the recommendation of the state board of pardons.

The governor, justices of the supreme court and the attorney-general constitute a board of pardons.

The governor is empowered to call extraordinary sessions of the legislature, to grant pardons and reprieves, and to exercise a power of veto which extends to items in appropriation bills; a two-thirds majority of the legislature is necessary to pass a bill over his veto.

Brown called upon the convicts in the penitentiary for aid, granting them pardons in return for their services.

The governor's power to grant reprieves, commutations or pardons is unrestricted by any board of pardons, but he is required to report to the legislature each case in which he exercises such power.


amnesty, forgive,


enforce, blame, bad weather,

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