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palatal Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

palatal ka kya matlab hota hai



तालु-संबंधी, तालु का, तालव्य,

palatal शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ उदाहरण के लिये संखिया के विष के प्रभाव से पैरों की कमजोरी, सीस के विष के प्रभाव से अंगुलियों और कलाइयां का लकवा, मधुमेह में पैरों में दुर्बलता तथा पोषण व्रण, डिपथीरिया में कोमल तालु का लकवा, शराब के विषैले प्रभाव से पैरों का सुन्न होना, हाथ पैर की ऐंठन, हिलने डुलने में दर्द, स्पर्शवेदना आदि लक्षण होते हैं।

बाहरी कड़ियाँ नाक तालु का एप्रोक्सिमेंट एक दुर्लभ स्वनिम है।

palatal's Usage Examples:

3 In reply to some critical remarks (Ibis, 1868, pp. 8 5-9 6), chiefly aimed at showing the inexpediency of relying solely on one set of characters, especially when those afforded by the palatal bones were not, even within the limits of families, wholly diagnostic, the author (Ibis, 1868, pp. 357-362) announced a slight modification of his original scheme, by introducing three more groups into it, and concluded by indicating how its bearings upon the great question of " genetic classification" might be represented so far as the different groups of Carinatae are concerned: - 1 These names are compounded respectively of Dromaeus, the generic name applied to the emeu, 7xQ-a, a split or cleft, SEVµa, a bond or tying, a finch, and, in each case, yvaBos, a jaw.

That the palatal structure must be taken into consideration by taxonomers as affording hints of some utility there can no longer be a doubt; but perhaps the characters drawn thence owed more of their worth to the extraordinary perspicuity with which they were presented by Huxley than to their own intrinsic value, and if the same power had been employed to elucidate in the same way other parts of the skeleton - say the bones of the sternal apparatus or even of the pelvic girdle - either set might have been made to appear quite as instructive and perhaps more so.

The Dromaeognathae resemble the Ratitae, and especially the genus Dromaeus, in their palatal structure, and are composed of the Tinamous (q.v.).

Be that as it may, he declares that characters drawn from the sternum or the pelvis - hitherto deemed to be, next to the bones of the head, the most important portions of the bird's framework - are scarcely worth more, from a classificatory point of view, than characters drawn from the bill or the legs; while pterylological considerations, together with many others to which some systematists had attached more or less importance, can only assist, and apparently must never be taken to control, the force of evidence furnished by this bone of all bones - the anterior palatal.

These laws, he added, exist in regard to all parts that offer characters fit for the methodical arrangement of birds, but it is in regard to the anterior palatal bone that they unquestionably offer the most evidence.

between the anterior palatal bones in groups of birds which are near to one another.

These laws, as formulated by him, are that (1) there is a coincidence of form of the anterior palatal and of the cranium in birds of the same order; (2) there is a likeness between the anterior palatal bones in birds of the same order; (3) there are relations of likeness 1 The title of the English translation is Johannes Muller on Certain Variations in the Vocal Organs of the Passeres that have hitherto escaped notice.

hawk (Accipiternisus), palatal view, X 2 diameters.

a voiceless palatal consonant.) In the Latin alphabet, in which Tables VI.

One general feature of the adult bird's skull is the almost complete disappearance of the sutures between the bones of the cranium proper, whilst another is the great movability of the whole palatal and other suspensorial apparatus.


semivowel, glide,


fit, difficult, inclement,

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